I Like my Coffee with 2 Sugars

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Synopsis: Jade is a barista who works in a coffee shop owned by his dad. One day She then spots a blonde who comes into the shop every MWF at 7-8AM in the morning for her morning coffee for 3 weeks straight. Will Jade have the courage to talk to the blonde and not just be the girl who serves her morning brew?


Every day, Jade comes to the coffee shop with her dad an hour before opening to prepare everything they need for the day which includes stocking up the pastry shelves, pre-heating the coffee machine, setting up the tables and eating breakfast with...

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Every day, Jade comes to the coffee shop with her dad an hour before opening to prepare everything they need for the day which includes stocking up the pastry shelves, pre-heating the coffee machine, setting up the tables and eating breakfast with her dad. 30 minutes before opening, the morning shift staff arrives to assist them in the preparation which includes her best friend from high school named Leigh-Anne Pinnock. They knew each other since they were in the 3rd grade and became close ever since. But at senior year, Leigh had to stop school for a year since her father got sick and had to leave for Jamaica for his treatment. Once he was getting better, she came back to London with her sister to finish their studies with Leigh now a freshman in college taking up interior designing and Sairah as a sophomore in high school. Since Jade and Leigh's parents are also good friends, they allowed the Pinnock sisters to stay in their house until their parents come back after his full recovery. As a form of gratitude, both siblings volunteer to work in the shop for free 2 times a week and Saturdays as to not interfere with their studies in which Jade's father eventually accepted due to Leigh's persistence.

It was 7AM and the doors of the café are open. Both sisters were sitting on the counter nearby eating their breakfast before Leigh-Anne has to drop off Sairah to school which starts in an hour so they're not in a rush since the older sibling is heading to campus to enroll a little later than Jade who was already enrolled a week ago who is currently a sophomore taking up business administration while Leigh chose to take up Liberal Arts. The shop started to have a line of their usual patrons lining up for their morning fix of caffeine and breakfast pastries. Jade worked the cashier for the meantime while their co-worker Aaron was the barista because Jade knows their  usual patrons who come in this early in the morning which were their usual patrons who order the same beverage and pastry so it gives them a faster process in handling the long line in mornings like this.

As the drinks were flowing and service was smooth as ever, Jade was in the zone repeating orders to Aaron while holding a cup on the left hand and a marker on the right hand ready to take an order for the next costumer at the cashier. She once again came in contact with her favorite set of blue eyes that she's been craving for every single day for the past 3 weeks.

Leigh-Anne: Oop, here comes Jade's daily breakfast. (nudging her sister in the ribs as they spotted a known blonde in entering the shop)

Perrie Edwards has been a regular patron in the Thirlwall's coffee shop for a month now. She usually comes every Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays at around 7:30- 7:40AM, orders her hot coffee, adds two sugars on them, buys a pastry or two and leaves. That's all they know about the girl, she doesn't come by any other day and always orders takeouts but she's friendly to the staff and greets them every time she enters and she leaves a tip on the jar in front of the cashier after a purchase but that's about it. But Jade's already head over hills for her. Jade always looks at her watch at exactly 7:30AM and seems to always stare at the entrance then once Perrie enters the room, the brown haired Geordie suddenly becomes nervous, sweaty and disorganized for some reason so when the time comes to give the blonde the beverage, Jade seems to always stutter or lose her voice once she comes in any form of contact with the girl. It was not a no brainer to the staff in the coffee shop including her dad that their Jadey definitely has a huge crush on the infamous Perrie and sometimes teases her about it but Jade just blushes and says nothing else about it but Leigh-Anne's getting fed up about her best friend's timidness and encourages her to get to know her blonde crush.

Jade and Perrie - Jerrie One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now