Real life Disney Princess

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Oneshot of the Thirlwall family having a vacation in Walt Disney World Orlando where Jade met someone at the park who she describes as a "real life Disney Princess".


It's a beautiful summer day in Orlando Florida where the Thirlwall family are all buzzing to spent the whole day in Walt Disney World and having the time of their lives. Jade Thirlwall had been working hard as a freelance photographer for some of the biggest fashion magazines in the United Kingdom and she has been one of the most successful in her field with various artists and designers coming up to her and hiring her in photoshoots and runways in which the brown haired Geordie does not disappoint. Which opts her to travel around the country for months which leads her to be kept away from her home. Jade has been a family person ever since she was little, so seeing less of her family and spending less time with them due to her work is sometimes a bummer. But she tries to make it up to them every time she visits, like throwing massive barbecues within the family, treating them in vacations and giving each of her family members gifts especially to her niece Amara,  4 years old and nephew Karl, 7 years old in which she adores so much so prefers to stay at home when she visits in order to bond with them knowing that she sometimes misses some of their special moments like birthdays, school plays and even recognition ceremonies.

Jade has been a professional photographer for just 3 years now but she was already in the top of the game with her talent, dedication and hardwork so she has been having steady money for her family and has been saving in order to someday own her own studio and not to travel so much in the future and let the artists come to her so she can have more time at home.

The Disney World tour was actually a gift for both Karl and Amara since it was Amara's late birthday wish and Karl has been doing very well in school and finished the 2nd grade on the top of his class so Jade decided to spent her few vacation days with the family and treated them to a journey around "the happiest place on earth".

As the family arrived in the park, the kids couldn't contain their anticipation to enter the park which can also be said to the adults particularly Jade who was currently holding the hand of Karl they were both jumping up and down due to the excitement. Her older brother, Karl Sr. was standing beside her wife holding the railings of the stroller where Jade's niece Amara was sitting happily pointing at numerous colorful things and characters around them, lastly followed by  her parents; James and Norma standing behind them each holding a camera and a video camera respectively.

Norma: Alright everyone, let's stay together and try not to get each other lost ok? Baby Karl? Hold onto Jade at all times ayt love?

Karl: Ayt Nana! Come on Jade! Let's go to the spinning teapots please? (trying to pull Jade further into the park)

James: Ok, but first. Let's take a picture shall we?

The family did a mandatory groupie at the entrance before Jade and Karl sped off towards the park with the rest of the Thirlwall clan doing their best to keep up with them.

It was past noon and after numerous rides and parades enjoyed by both children and adults and having their lunch in a princess-themed restaurant inside which Jade picked out herself, they finally arrived in the center of the park which was the humongous Disney castle where there are perfect spots where you can take pictures in front of it. Jade was currently holding the camera while Karl was holding Norma's hand. Being a perfectionist in her camerawork, Jade was surveying the area taking random pictures around the castle looking for the perfect angle to take their picture. As she was taking pictures, she scanned through them at the camera roll and noticed someone on one of the photos, it was a beautiful blonde girl wearing a light brown coat & dark colored jeans. Her hair was on a ponytail with the some tips flowing in her face and she also noticed the bluest eyes she ever seen. She looked back at her surroundings looking for the girl and she did saw her at the right side of the castle talking to another blonde haired girl and laughing.

Jade and Perrie - Jerrie One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now