10,000 More... and more WITH YOU (Part 3)

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Annnnd last chapter for this fanfic!

Part of the plot was requested by Oneandonly_keary. I Hope y'all can enjoy.


Chapter 3

On Jerrie's 3rd Year Anniversary

"Today is the day." 

Both girls said in their minds once they both woke up, but Perrie woke up an hour earlier than Jade and can't seem to fall back to sleep because of the excitement and nervousness she's feeling for the proposal she's planning to do in the next few hours. The band will be doing a charity event at Wembley Arena where numerous other acts will perform with the girls headlining it. Where better place will she propose to her girlfriend than to the place where Little Mix won the Xfactor years ago and made all their dreams come true and hopefully Wembley will be the same place where Perrie's other dream will be fulfilled.

Perrie was knocked out of her thoughts when she felt stirring from her embrace, she looked down where she saw her possible future fiancée waking up whose head was under her chin, brown bambi eyes looking up towards sky blue orbs who according to Jade, looks like an angel upon waking up and Perrie can't help but smile and kiss Jade in the lips lovingly.

Perrie: Goodmorning my princess. Happy anniversary.

Jade: Goodmorning my love. Happy Anniversary to you too.

Jade adjusted her position as she lay of her left side and caressed Perrie's left cheek while smiling widely at the Geordie who she has fallen in love with for the past few years and can't believe she gets to wake up seeing that angelic face with the blue eyes everyday.

Perrie: What are you thinking about princess?

Jade: Just how lucky I am to wake up next to you every single day. (She could see Perrie's smile warmly at her who uses her right hand to twirl a strand of the brown-haired girl's head and staring at her intently, seemingly deep at thought which Jade has seen hundreds of times already) What about you?

Perrie: The exact same thing. (While giving her girlfriend a long peck on the lips)

Both girls savored the kiss, it wasn't sexual but it was what both girls wanted. Simple yet sweet and meaningful all wrapped in that kiss. It was perfect until they heard a loud knock from their bedroom door.

Jesy: GET UP BOTH OF YOUS! We have a charity event to go to! You both better be out of that door in 2 mins with clothes on so we can have breakfast before you both shower, SEPARATELY!

Perrie: Go away! (Laughing at their best friend's antics, knowing that both Jesy and Leigh know better than to barge into the Geordie's bedroom unannounced seeing as there have been incidences of unseen events that traumatized the eyes of both girls because of the couple)

Leigh-Anne: Happy anniversary! Can I heat up your roast dinner last night and make a sandwich?!

Jade: Thanks Leigh! And yes you can. We'll be down in a bit. (Looking at her girlfriend apologetically and kiss both her cheeks and stood from the bed looking for her clothes that were discarded from their previous events the night before and Perrie can't help but stare at her fondly enjoying the view)


Perrie: Ugh! Shattup Jes! (said Perrie as she too stood from the bed which elicited a giggle from her girlfriend which always warms her heart. Both girls wore a set of comfy house clothes and walking down the stairs hand in hand greeting their best friends who were preparing breakfast and smiling widely at them, which makes Perrie's anxiety appear once again for the upcoming event happening today. But as she looks at her best friends' supportive faces and her girlfriend's gorgeous self, she know she can do it.

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