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Sana P.O.V

I got up early in the morning eventhough i was tired by all the cleaning i had to do alone yesterday.I still got some stuff to do like getting that damn gate fixed but i cleaned enough for a living person to live in this house comfortably.

And to be honest last night was the best sleep i ever had after a long time.Before when i was in the city i never got to sleep properly because of a certain someone.....yeah i was living with someone when i was in the city.I lived with my longtime girlfriend.We met in highschool and she was the sweetest person i met,I wasn't in love with her to be honest,she just felt like someone i can be with but suddenly she turned into someone else,i felt like i dont even know her sometimes.She would beat me up out of nowhere since she just felt like it and I..I just bared with her since i couldnt do anything.I moved in with her when my mother passed away which resulted in me losing my house and i also had to stop going to university.I was helpless at that time soo i had to move in with her,I had no other choice.That's why i bared all her tantrums and beatings but one day i just wanted to runaway from her soo i told her i wanted to break up but it didnt go exactly like i wanted it to,i simply had to cry on my bed that day while attending my wounds just like i did every other day

But on the day before yesterday she came home late like usual but something was off,she was drunk.She never came home drunk,she always stayed at her friends place if she gets drunk soo i got curious as to why she came home.

She walked barely into the house and crashed onto the sofa.I didnt even dare to go close to her,i remained by the door of my room soo i can quickly shut myself for protection if she tries to do something to me.

"Sana..." she barely called out my name

"Y..Yes" I replied

"Get out"


"I said GET OUT!" she suddenly raised her voice making me startle and hold onto the doorknob tightly

"You...you wanted to break up right? You wanted to leave right? Okay then...you can go...GET OUT!"

I was shocked and frozen at the moment,unable to process what she's saying but one thing i knew was to grab whatever i can and run out of there.I quickly grabbed some clothes and shoved them into a duffel bag and ran out of there without looking back.

After i ran out of there the first thing i did was call my best friend Momo.We were friends since we were small and after my mom left Gwangju with me to the city,Momo and her family left Gwangju too and they are currently in Japan.Eventhough we both live far away from eachother we are still best friends and she's the only one who knows about my situation.

I told her what happened and she's the one who suggested me to go back to Gwangju.She called one of her relatives who lives in Gwangju and found me a job at a daycare and she also deposited some money on my bank account soo all i had to do was hop on the next bus to Gwangju.

And now im here

Tzuyu P.O.V

I came just in time when the school bell rang.A group of kids came running out of the school and my eyes fell on the tiny being im supposed to pick up

"Bangchan!" I called out to him and got his attention.His tiny face lit up when he saw me and he ran towards me

"Tzuyu!!!" He screamed when i picked him up

"Ya! Call me aunt~!" I playfully whined

"Come on,repeat after me,A U N T"


Oh come on!
I tried to get him to say aunt to me for years but he still didnt.He's talking to me like im a same age 7 year old like him *sigh*

Bangchan is my nephew.My brother and sister in law had an car accident 4 years ago and the only survivor was Bangchan.Ever since that day i take care of him.It's a bit hard since i have to take care of him alone.My parents are dead and i only have my grandpa who isnt much of a help since he's old.

Its much more harder these days since the towns daycare is closed.It has been a year since the lady who owned the daycare left the town,after her no one came to take over the daycare soo all the people in the town are having a hardtime.Well not all the people are having a hardtime,its just us middle class and poor families since the rich families kids goes to that money grinding expensive daycare runned by that guy called YG.

Since we cant afford that daycare i pick up Bangchan everyday from school and keep him with me at the police station.When i go out i leave him with Uncle JYP who has his Yoga class inside the community center.

Next day

I woke up early today and quickly got Bangchan ready for school.I dropped him at the school and went straight to work.

Our police station is a small cozy place.Since its a small town there arent many criminals soo its peacefull all the time.Its located inside the small community center where Uncle JYPs Yoga class,Sunmi unnies dance class and a few other businesses are running.

After i dropped Bangchan i arrived at the community center.I parked the police car and went inside.

Just as i stepped a foot inside i regretted going there.....

"Ya! Turn down your music!"


Oh no...not again *sigh*
Uncle JYP and Sunmi unnie was having their usual argument that im sick of hearing for all these years.Uncle JYP always complains that the music Sunmi unnie plays in her dance class is disturbing his Yoga class soo both of them always fight over this.

"Go somewhere else and do your stupid yoga classes!!" Sunmi yelled

"Why should i leave! You are the one who disturbs others with your monstrous music!" JYP yelled back

"Shut up!"

"No you shut up!"

Im still at the door with just one foot inside the building contemplating on whether i should stop them or get the hell out of there

I decided to get the hell out of there

I took my foot back out of the building and decided to patrol around the town.As i made my way towards the car my eyes fell on a woman in a floral dress heading towards the daycare.

(A/N : The daycare is a part of the community center but its located outside the community center,it has its own building.)

My eyes followed the blonde woman who is heading towards the daycare.She stopped infront of it and she was just looking at the daycare from outside.I cant see her face since her back is turned towards me.She is wearing a floral dress and she looks a bit familiar to me...

My eyebrows furrowed while trying to figure out who she is and just then i saw my grandpa coming out of the daycare center and i heard him shouting "Ms Minatozaki!"

"Minato what now?"

The blonde woman turned around towards grandpa and that's when i recognized her....

T for TZUYU |Satzu|CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now