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"Minato what now?"

The blonde woman turned around towards grandpa and that's when i recognized her...

I dont know why but i felt my cheeks heat up all of a sudden and again she started to glow like when she did infront of her house....I rubbed my eyes and slapped my cheeks to get a grip of myself and saw grandpa and the blondie exchange bows and he guided her into the daycare center

I stood their while my eyes followed them inside and i was curious as to why she's here.Right when i took a step in that direction i felt my phone buzz inside my pocket.I took it out and sighed after seeing the caller ID

>What's up shortie?

< Ya! Come to the library quickly! It's an emergency!

>Why?! Did something happen?

<I dont have time to explain! Get over here quickly!

>Why are you whispering?


I quickly ended the call and drove to the library since it looks like an emergency.I parked the car outfront and ran inside and suddenly got stopped by the goddess herself

"NO.RUNNING.INSIDE.THE.LIBRARY" Jihyo growled while glaring at me

"Oh Hey sunshine~"

"What are you doing here T?" Jihyo said with her eyebrow raised

"Ah i came to read ofcourse" I said mockingly and played with my eyebrows

"As i remember you have never read a book in your life and ofcourse you have never even touched one and you only read those crappy TWICE fanfictions on Wattpad" Jihyo said with a straight face

"Whatever" I mumbled and turned around to get away from Jihyo

"Yo T!"

"Chaeyoung for the tenth time STOP SHOUTING INSIDE THE LIBRARY!" Jihyo growled as silently as possible at Chaeyoung

"Okay okay Jihyo,chill~" Chaeyoung said as she was annoyed by Jihyos nagging.

"Come with me" Chaeyoung whispered and dragged me to one of the aisles.
"Dont tell me you called me here to do this...." I said while glaring at Chaeyoung

It turns out that Chaeyoung called me to the library since she wasnt tall enough to grab the book this young lady asked for.

"God,you are embarrassing" I said while shaking my head

"Im not embarrassing" Jihyo said all of a sudden scaring both of us

"What the hell Ji-" Before i could shout at her she covered my mouth with her hand.Her hands smells like books....eww

"Anyway it's good that you came T,as you can see both of us are helpless here" Jihyo said and sighed

"God,you really are embarrassing" I said earning a glare from Jihyo

"Doesnt Librarys have ladders for short gnormes like you two?" I said while looking around and as i met Jihyo and Chaeyoungs eyes i noticed that they are fuming with anger.Oops my bad hehe

"I'd really like to punch you right now T but since you are curious NO,we dont have a ladder here since no one asks for books that are in the top shelves because this whole town is filled with losers like you who never read books" Jihyo said with an annoyed face

"Okay okay" I said and both of them guided me to where the book is

It was a bit hard even for me to reach the book but finally i got the book out.

"Okay here's the book but where's the lady?" I asked curiously since the lady who supposedly asked for the book was not around.

"She wasnt here even when i got here.She asked Jihyo to keep the book with her since she had to go somewhere." Chaeyoung said and i nodded

*Lallallalalallalla lallalalallallalala Lallallalalallalla lallalalallallalala you and me in the-*


>Ah really? I can send you the book actually

>Yeah,I will send you the book.Text me the address


Jihyo hung up the phone and looked at me

"I sent you an address,go and give her this book" Jihyo said to me

"Why me!" I complained

"Because you are the only here" Jihyo said with a straight face

"But Chae-" I got stuck when i saw that Chaeyoung is not here

That sly little weasel escaped!

I sighed and headed to my car with the darn book

When i got inside i looked at the address Jihyo sent me and it looked strangely familiar but i have never seen that address often

I drove to the address mentioned and only after i pulled over at the location i realised where i am.It's that blonde haired womans house....

I dont know why but i started to get this feeling of hesitation,like a sudden nervousness for no reason

I got a grip of myself and got out of the car with the book in my hand.After i got out i looked around and noticed the gate still on the ground,i chuckled as i remembered the incident yesterday but suddenly it hit me,i looked at the book and read the title of the book

                 *The Art of Gates*

I covered my mouth with my other hand trying to hold my laughter in.

I quickly pulled myself together and stepped over the fallen gate and now im in front of the door.

I hesitated for a while but i quickly did a short breathing excercise uncle JYP told me and knocked on the door.

After a few knocks i heard a sound from inside and the door opened slowly,little by little revealing the blonde woman.It felt like the time slowed down actually....

Her face showed a curious yet an innocent expression when she saw me.Meanwhile im just looking at her without saying anything like a total weirdo



"Oh its you!" Suddenly the blonde haired woman said and i saw a faint smile form on her lips.

And all i did was flash an awkward smile and nod my head a little bit confirming that im the person she thinks i am

Her eyes suddenly went down to the book im holding onto reminding me the reason i came here for.I quickly pointed the book at her to which she responded with a bright smile.

"Thank you~" She said and took the book and again i just smiled and nodded awkwardly


After that i just awkwardly looked around while she was looking at me like she was waiting until i say something or until i leave.Soo to break the ice i finally spoke

"I'll get going then" I said and walked backwards awkwardly

"Oh..okay" She looked like she didnt expect for me to say that but then she smiled faintly at me

Just when she was going to close the door,

"Do you really think that's gonna help?"

I blurted out....


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T for TZUYU |Satzu|CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now