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"Do you really think that's gonna help?"

I blurted out

Wait what am i saying!

The blonde woman looked curiously at me

"W..What's gonna help?"

"The...umm book" I said and pointed at the book

She looked down at the book in her hand and looked at me trying to figure out what im saying

"I dont think that book will be of any help in fixing your gate..." I said honestly,I mean really how can that darn book be helpful.Im pretty sure that idot librarian recommended her this book.

"Oh...really? But that woman in the Library told me this will help me"

thought so

"Trust me,that book and that short woman in the library are both useless" I said to which she suddenly laughed outloud


"Do you want me to help you?" I offered her my help with confidence that came out of nowhere.

She composed herself and looked at me after hearing me

"C..Can you fix it?" She asked with glee in her eyes

"Yeah,ofcourse" I said confidently eventhough i have never fixed a gate in my entire life...

The things i do for women *face palm* 
Or should i say to this particular one.....?

Sana P.O.V

After the whole story i told you readers about my past,i went to the library

It bothered me how my gate is just laying around on the ground and i felt embarrassed everytime i remembered the way it fell down infront of that police woman.
Speaking of the police woman i wonder if i will meet her again....

Anyway since i didnt have Wifi or any kind of access to Internet yet i had to go the library to search how to fix this damn gate

I arrived at the library but before i stepped inside i remembered how my mom used to bring me here when i was small...good old memories *sigh*

I entered the library and saw that it still looks the same way as i remember

As i didnt have any idea about gate fixing stuff i went to the reception and there i saw a woman who looks the same age as me.

"Hello...excuse me,Can you tell me if there are any books about how to fix a gate?"

The short haired woman looked up from the book she was reading and smiled with a pencil on her mouth

"Yeah ofcourse,come with me" She said and guided me towards an aisle.She was looking through the rows of books one by one and she finally stopped at the top shelf,suddenly the pencil she had in her mouth fell to the floor and she was just looking at a book that was on the top shelf with her mouth agape.

She cleared her throat and picked up her pencil

"Well the book you are searching for is there but i dont think you and me both can reach there" She said and pointed at a book on the top shelf

"But if you can wait for a while i can get you the book" She said while smiling apologetically

"Oh sure! But i need to be somewhere in a few minutes soo i'll comeback later to get the book" I said since i had to visit the daycare i'll be working at later

After a few minutes i arrived at the daycare.It was a small building about the size of my home.Right next to it there was another building.And as i remember it is the community center.I used to go there when i was small and when the memories of me and my mom coming there played in my mind,i automatically smiled.

I went towards the daycare and i couldnt help but smile knowing that i will work here peacefully for the rest of my life.For a short while i just looked at the daycare from the outside when suddenly an old man came out from the daycare and called me.As Momo told me he is Mr Chou who works at the community center.He and i went inside and he told me everything i should know and he told me that i can start working from tomorrow which made me excited.

After the whole talk with Mr Chou,i decided to go back to the library to pick up the book but suddenly i remembered that i left the stove on at home! Well im not sure but i dont remember turning it off....

I decided to quickly head home since it's a far more serious matter than the gate.On the way home i remembered that the librarian gave me her number before i left there soo i quickly called her and told that i wont be able to come but for my surprise she offered to send the book to my home.

I arrived home and quickly ran to the kitchen and saw that the stove is off.I sighed out of relief and crashed onto the couch as i was tired.I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep but i got startled when i heard knocking the door

I quickly got up and opened the door

I got startled when i saw the person who was now standing infront of the door...

It was the policewoman who dropped me home yesterday

But why is she here? And why am i feeling this tingly feeling inside me...?

T for TZUYU |Satzu|CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now