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I looked at her curiously as the tall policewoman was just standing infront of me looking at me blankly without saying anything


She was trying to say something so I waited for her to continue but she seemed to be...stuck?

"Oh its you!" I said as it was getting awkward waiting for her to say something

She flashed a smile and nodded her head like a small kid,completely contrary to her cold look

"Cute..." i thought

My eyes then noticed something she was holding,it was a book.My eyes quickly recognized it and i think she saw me glancing at the book soo she quickly offered me the book

I remembered that the librarian told me that she will send the book to me but i never expected the tall policewoman to bring it

"Thank you~" I said and took the book  from her hands.

After that the awkwardness finally dawned upon us

I waited for her to say something as my mind was blank in that moment for no reason.I wanted to ask her name since her nametag is missing or rather ripped off from her uniform.I had questions for her but i got this sudden mixed feeling of hesitation and nervousness which i found to be odd since i'm a very social person.I never acted this way towards other people,i easily strick conversations with other people but why can't i now? Why can't i with her?

While i was looking at her with a blank mind waiting for her to say something,she was just looking around as she must be feeling the awkwardness as well until,

"I'll get going then" She suddenly said making me snap back to reality

"Oh..okay" I said awkwardly as i honestly wasn't expecting for her to leave

She was backing away from the house and i watched her for a few seconds.Just when i closed the door halfway,

"Do you really think that's gonna help?"

I stopped on my tracks and slowly opened the door again as i heard the tall policewoman

I looked out from the door again at her who was standing in the middle of the lawn staring at me waiting for an answer,but sadly i dont have an answer since i didnt get what she's saying

"W..What's gonna help?" I asked since i didn't understand her

"The...umm book" she said while eyeing the book in my hand

I looked down at the book im holding and then at her trying to figure out what she's saying

"I dont think that book will be of any help in fixing your gate..." She said making me finally understand

"Oh...really? But that woman in the Library told me this will help me" I said to which she replied with a smirk

"Trust me,that book and that short woman in the library are both useless"

She said making me burst out of laughter.I swear i never laughed like this in a long time...

I saw her looking down while chuckling at her own savageness
Then she cleared her throat and looked up at me

"Do you want me to help you?" She asked me suddenly

I looked at her bewildered by her sudden offer which took me off guard.I contemplated for a few seconds if i should accept her help or not but when i saw her face i saw her waiting curiously for my answer

"C..Can you fix it?" I asked her

"Yeah,ofcourse" She said and smiled showing a small dimple

The tingly feeling and the butterflies i felt earlier when i saw her infront of the door manifested inside my stomach again when i saw her cute dimple


*phone rings*

I heard my phone ring

I quickly got out of the shower and barely wrapped myself in a towel.Water was still dripping from my hair while i was searching around the house for my phone.I followed the sound of the ringtone and found the phone on the couch under a cusion.Just when i was gonna answer the phone,


I heard the front door open and by the time i turned around it was too late

The tall policewoman was staring down at me and shock was clearly written on her face
I dropped the phone out of shock and the tall policewoman spinned around facing the hardwood door

"Sorry! S..sorry!" She kept on apologizing while burying her head on the door

I turned around quickly and looked down at my current condition and realised im just holding the towel BARELY around my body with one of my hands and to make it worse my cleavage was in full display

I bit my lip out of embarrassment and i felt my face heat up

Meanwhile i heard the tall policewoman apologizing repeatedly

"It..Its okay! Its okay!" I said eventhough IM NOT OKAY

Then i heard the door open and shut.I turned my head slightly to see if she's gone and i sighed out of relief seeing no one there
And within seconds i crashed onto the couch since my legs felt weak out of embarrassment

"Nooo~ "I screamed and wiggled my legs out of frustration and embarrassment

Tzuyu P.O.V






I flinched after hearing my name being screamed

"What?" I asked Chaeyoung who is currently looking at me weirdly while peeking through the car window

"The hell is wrong with you? I called your name all this time but you didn't answer! You just kept on staring at the steering wheel!"


"Are you okay?Did something happen?" Chaeyoung questioned me and worry is evident on her face

"Ugh..." Suddenly images popped up in my mind making me remember what happened...i gulped a huge lump as i remembered her...the blondie in her towe- STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT TZUYU!

After the whole situation i just ran out of that place and drove away from there as fast as i can.And now im here,parked infront of the community centre having no thoughts other than the image of that gorgeous womans body.....

Mannn im horny *sigh*

T for TZUYU |Satzu|CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now