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Early in the morning an Eagle flew onto the roof of the library and let her heart out to the world



"This world is so beautiful!"


"But...it's not easy to live well~"


"And why are we friends with her?" Tzuyu asked Chaeyoung and Jihyo who's currently looking at the Eagle on the roof of the library

"Ya dont say that~ i guess the world betrayed her again" Jihyo said and snorted

"Ya Eagle kim! Come down!" Chaeyoung screamed since she was worried about Dahyun

"Can i shoot her down?" Tzuyu asked with a straight face which kind of creeped out Chaeyoung since she actually looked serious

"Hey she's your friend!" Chaeyoung snapped at Tzuyu

"Not anymore" Tzuyu said and smirked evilly

"Ya dahyun-ah~ come down and tell us what happened~" Jihyo whined at Dahyun to which she stopped and let out a huge sigh

This is just a normal routine of Dahyun.Whenever she gets stressed out over something she climbs onto the roof of the library and vent out,letting everything out.Some might think that the towns people find this weird but they do not,everyone adores her even when she does these weird silly things.
Well Dahyun is....unique.She's a total weirdo but still everyone loves her.She's also a policewoman in the town alongside Chaeyoung and Tzuyu.She's just a carefree and bright kid

"Yo! my friends!" Dahyun came down and greeted Tzuyu,Chaeyoung and Jihyo while straightening her uniform

"What happened?" Tzuyu asked to which Dahyun just let out a huge sigh and looked down

"Is it the Ice cream vendor again? Did he run out of sprinkles? Or is it the old lady again? Did she not give you enough tofu? " Chaeyoung asked as she knew her all too well

Dahyun shook her head and sighed again while looking down

"Then what?" Tzuyu asked as she placed her hand over Dahyuns shoulder

"I..Im just lonely" Dahyun said making Chaeyoung,Tzuyu and Jihyo shoot their eyes wide,they were caught off guard by her response.It has always been about the unfair distribution of food until now but this time...it seems something serious happened

"Whyyy~" Chaeyoung asked as she held both sides of Dahyun's shoulders

"I...I dont know" Dahyun said and looked elsewhere and Tzuyu,Chaeyoung and Jihyo couldnt help but notice a hint of sadness evident on Dahyuns face

Actually Chaeyoung,Tzuyu and Jihyo can already guess the reason.Dahyun doesn't have parents and she has been living with her grandma all her life.And not to mention all the countless times she joked about having no one tells that she has all this sadness hidden inside her covered by her bright outgoing personality

But why is she so serious all of a sudden?

What's wrong with Dahyun?

Momo P.O.V


I let out a huge sigh after arriving at Gwangju

I called Sana two days ago to tell her i'm coming but she didn't pick up the phone,i dont why but i guess she was busy at the time (A/N : 😉)

Anyway then i thought of surprising her soo now i'm here...

Instead of taking a taxi i thought of walking to Sana's home.As i walked i passed by many places i spent time when i was small.Memories kept flashing in my mind as i saw the familiar places and just as i turned around the corner i heard someone...

"This world..."


I looked around to see who it was and as i looked up i saw someone on the roof of this building.There was a brown haired girl in a uniform gesturing her hands wildly while saying something outloud

"I'm a human too who lives on this beautiful omma nature!""

"What is she saying?" I thought as i watched her in awe.A small smile crept up on the corner of my lips as i listened and watched this girl

"Omma nature!!!!" She screamed and dramatically fell on her knees

"Cute" I thought as i laughed at this strange girl



The story will get interesting later on
Until then,hang on🙇

Thank you for reading! Enjoy!

T for TZUYU |Satzu|CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now