Frain: College

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Freddie grunted and rolls over he smacks his alarm off. He didn't want to get up, he just wanted to sleep in. He could hear his roommate's voice, "Fred? Fred? Fred... It's time to get up."

"Five more minutes, Brian!" Freddie whines rolling over.

He felt Brian's hand on his back rubbing at his shoulder blades, "Do you have a hangover? I told you not to party since you're final is today.''

"Shut up mom."

"I'll call your mother and let her know of her son's behavior.'' Brian says seriously. He starts to leave.

Freddie bolts up with a demonic screech and tackles Brian down sitting his fat ass on Brian's back, "I went to college to escape her! You're not calling her!" Brian manages to roll leaving Freddie sitting on his stomach, "You know I don't have her number, Fred.''

Freddie leans down his face hover over Brian's, "You promise?''

''I promise.'' Freddie was so close Brian could feel Fred's ebony hair tickle his cheek Brian held Freddie's waist then let go. He grabbed Freddie's hair, "I wonder what would happen if I pulled it?"

Freddie scrambles off of him, "Not today buster.''

Brian gets up, "Hurry up and shower, I made breakfast."

Freddie quickly gets into the shower and washes off. His mind thinks back to Brian and their friendship, how he wants to be more than friends. His mind then wanders to how Brian is in bed, he's seen the man bring home girl after girl back to the dorm and he made them scream. He thought about if he was one of those girls, and he has a quick wank in the bathroom thinking of Brian the entire time.

When he finally gets out Brian is shoving a small bag of food at him and rushing him out the door, "You're going to be late!"

Freddie thanks him and rushes to the school. He didn't think he could eat and run but he proved himself wrong, he only choked once. Outside the classroom door stood Mary Austin a woman Brian's been trying to get with for a while now. Mary had on a thin lacy top and a pair of tight short shorts on Freddie didn't know how she walked in those heels, "Freddie?"

"Hello Mary.'' he greets her warmly trying to move past her.

Freddie noted that she was jutting her chest out more maybe she missed the pride pin on his bag? Mary takes his wrist, "I was thinking if after the exams you wanted to come over for a movie marathon?'

Freddie felt his mouth go dry. He tries to back up, "I don't like movies." was the first thing he blurted.

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