Joger: So You're Him? ⭐

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KimberlyLiska Here's your request.
Reminding people here again that I won't have internet until Saturday or late Sunday. So this book won't be updated for a bit and I'm trying to update this book while I'm out.

Roger felt the palms of his hands sweat they felt so clammy that it disgusted him, how was his date suppose to like him if he looked like he was coated in sweat? Roger wanted to throttle Freddie for setting him up on a blind date, he knew about his bad nerves yet he still did. And Roger just hopes he doesn't throw up on his date like he done to the poor girl he went on a date with last year, yeah just a date, one single date, she never called him back.

Roger looked down at the card Freddie gave him, "Tall, long brunet hair."

"Real useful there, Freddie. I see like nine people that look like that... And you didn't even tell me if I'm trying to find a man, woman, or something along those lines." Roger lit a cigarette and searches around.


John reads over the card his new friend Freddie gave him, "Short, dirty blond, sunglasses, name's Roger."

John stands on his tip toes and looks around trying to find someone that fits that description. He saw someone smoking by a pillar that fit and walks over shyly, "A-Are you, R-Roger?"

"Yeah who's asking?" the man asks

John hands over the card and the man recognizes it as the handwriting of his old friend, Freddie.

"Yeah I'm Roger." he says, "And out good ole Fred here didn't give me your name."

"Oh!" John says sticking his hand out, "John. John Deacon."

Roger seems hesitant to touch John's hand but John just grabs onto his hand and shakes it not minding the sweat. Roger could already feel himself starting to like this boy and he couldn't wait to get to know him, ''You want to go to a steakhouse and stuff our faces.. Unless you're a vegan... Vegan's are nice. I could nibble on some lettuce for you. You're cute enough that I would nibble on a tree for you"

John laughs blushing and Roger sees his gapped teeth, and he thinks its adorable. John tries to cover his mouth once he noticed Roger's staring, the blond grabs his wrist, "Don't I think it's so beautiful."

John blushes darkly and smiles, "So steak or vegan?" Roger asks.

"Steak is just fine." John says grinning sweetly, "I love tearing into meat."

Roger laughs and brings him to a nice steakhouse that's inside the strip mall. John chatters about his pet love birds and how he got a teacup puppy. Roger listens intently absorbing all of what John has to say, John does the same when Roger speaks. He even remembers what Roger orders in case it's his favorite and John must impress him later.

"You look deep in thought." John says softly resting his chin onto his hand.

"I'm thinking about how snakes are just noodles with faces."

John blinks slowly he can't believe he's falling for this incredibly handsome but idiotic man. But he loves it, loves his humor, the way he laughs, God his personality is amazing too. And he seems interesting in John's pets.

John could get lost in those light blue eyes of his. John saw him as perfect, he kept staring at him even as they walked back to John's place, when they stood on his porch John finally worked up the courage. The young brunet kisses Roger making them both blush a cherry red.

"Come inside for some wine?" John asks shyly.

Roger stammers and stutters before looking into his green grey eyes. They looked so full of love that it made Roger's heart melt, "S-Sure." they already drank a cup of wine at the steakhouse what's another cup to hurt?

Roger cringes a little at the outdated furnishings once he steps inside. It looks like a grandmother from the forties lives her and not a twenty-year- old. The furniture looks like if he sat down on any of it, it'll collapse under his weight. Roger was just happy to see a modern TV, "So you renting over something?" Roger asks watching John dig around the outdated kitchen for wine glasses.

"Huh? Oh, no, I'm not. I just inherited my great grandparents' home. And haven't fixed it up don't worry I don't like the tastes either." there was a teasing tone to his voice.

Roger relaxes, "Thank god. I was scared I was going to upset you."

John just laughs as his birds start chirping, "Oh Dickhead and Bitey are hungry."

"D-Dickhead? Bitey?" Roger croaks out wheezing hearing the words come from the "innocent" John.

"Yeah their names suit them quite well." John chuckles grabbing the bird food.

The tiniest ball of fluff comes charging into Roger's ankles and he scoops up the little thing with one hand, "Oh my god!!! You're so fucking adorable!!" he whirls around to John who was messing with the cage.

"What's their name?" Roger asks petting the pup's fluff.

"Shoe Stealer the Third." John says causally.

Roger blinks slowly and he thought he was bad naming animals, "Dickhead, Bitey, and Shoe Stealer the Third?"


ohn picks up the puppy and nuzzles them, "I love you."

"Me or the puppy?" Roger asks.

John pecks him on the lips, "Both of you."

Shoe Stealer the Third barks in John's hands wanting to be put back down which John does, "Both of you are cutie pies. But only one of you makes me go barefoot."

Roger snickers and grabs a wine glass from off the counter and pours them each a glass, "Well it was truly nice meeting you John."

John grins sipping his wine, "I'm already madly in love with you."

Roger takes off his sunglasses and kisses John again pinning him against the wall, "God, I love you so fucking much. You don't even know how much I love you."

John grins sticking his tongue out a little, "Well I guess, Fred is a good match maker."

"Well he is Cupid now." Roger laughs nuzzling him, "I guess we owe him a few drinks?"

John nods leading Roger to the living room where the tv was playing some music, "Wanna dance?"

Roger puts his hand on John's waist and pulls him closer. The two slow dance with the tv on both totally wine drunk.

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