Freddie x Fem!OC: Don't Love Me⭐

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sydneyalina Your request

OG Artwork by: My Girlfriend (Tumblr is: paulmaccahhh)

Traced and Colorized by: Me (Nic Tumblr is: nickyp)

Note: I know Freddie was a gay man please don't attack me. Many LGBTQ+ will explore their sexuality and gender before deciding on something some may never decide on something and that's fine too. Everyone is valid.
In this one-shot Freddie is still young 19/20 roughly he hasn't had a chance to really get to know himself yet and has only dated woman. He will discover himself later on.

Ava walks out of the library she fixes her hoodie and heads to the bus stop, she fusses with her red hair, she hated college so much. But she wanted to make her parents proud both of them were in the army when she was growing up, they've since passed away leaving her only with her cousin Roger Taylor and her younger sister Taylor Jones.

She looks up at the bus sign and sighs hoping she didn't miss the bus again. A large black SUV pulls up and before she can even fully react she's thrown into the back of it. She bites one of the their hands and headbutts trying to escape they pin her down. Ava screams and bucks worried they were going to rape her they only hog tie her and gag her with a piece of cloth.

She couldn't move and she could hardly breathe now. The car was stuffy and hot and it didn't help the men kept running their fat mouths. Ava sniffles and tries to move the adrenaline was rushing through her body. After what felt like hours of being crammed into a car her eyes were covered and she was forcefully removed from the car, she didn't keep still. She moved as much as she could but the men just gripped tighter one dug their fingers into her bare waist as her hoodie and shirt rose up from her fighting. She was dropped down onto the cold ground still tied up but they ungaged her, "What do you want with me?!" she screams fighting against her restraints.

"Our boss wanted ya." a fat man tells her a cigarette dangles between his lips, and Ava thinks about her cousin Roger, that boy smokes like a chimney.

"W-Why? Where?" Ava tried to get all her questions out but it just came out rushed.

"Our boss had his eyes on you for a year now, Ms. Jones. Welcome to the mafia." a skinny man speaks.

Footsteps echo and the men part like the red sea, ''Did you bring me my prize?" a voice coos.

Ava snaps her head up wincing at how stiff her neck felt. The boss was barely out of high school it looked like, it would've make her laugh if she wasn't in danger. He looked like a twink almost, "Darling, Ava." he tilts her chin back with his finger and the red head nearly bit him, "Feisty aren't we, Avie?" she growls at him and bares her teeth.

The boss took a step back his small ponytail jolted a little, "We're going to need to train this one, boys."

"Mr. Bulsara." so that was his name, "Want me to put her in the room?"

Mr. Bulsara looks over at the boy who spoke he looked even younger, "Yes John. And make sure shes taken care of or you'll end up like Paul." he made a gun sign with his fingers and gestures to shooting Paul in the head.

John grabs her gingerly she barely felt his touch as she was carried down into a room.

"Hope you like it, you're Mr

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"Hope you like it, you're Mr. Bulsara's favourite one so.'' John tells her, "Don't try anything funny. The windows are faux and the main door will be locked at all times, Avie."

Ava looks around in amazement she expected a tiny jail cell room but this was even better than her dorm room. She shakes her head and looks down, "Thanks, John."

As the days turn into weeks she grew close to John who was only 15. She gained the trust of Mr. Bulsara and some of his men. She learned Bulsara's name was Freddie and he was from India. She grew to love her tiny room which didn't feel so small sure the bathroom was basically a fancy closet. A shower head mounted to the wall, a hole for the water to drain, a basic toilet, and plain blue tiles plastered all over. But this was becoming home to her and she did cozy up to Freddie, and they eventually started to date. It never went too far, some slight necking but never anything too much.

Ava steps out of the shower after nearly being in captivity for nearly a full year she jumps out of her skin seeing Freddie sitting on the green couch, "Fred." she blushes slightly looking down.

Freddie lets his cigar dangle from his lips, ''Come here, Avie."

Ava's bare feet echo off the floorboards leaving wet footprints as she walks to her captor. She sits gingerly on his lap and nuzzles him, inhaling the scent of his cologne and aftershave. It's a smell she's grown comfortable with after nearly a year in his grip. His plump lips kiss hers and she shifts to kiss him better, his hands roam her towel clad waist and she groans softly.

"I'm ready." Ava whispers in his ear grinding down on his groin.

Freddie licked his lips devilishly and brings her up the loft where her bed is kept. As she stripes her towel off and Freddie could finally see her assets something felt wrong. He wasn't seeing her sexually attractive, his dick wasn't even trying to make a appearance it seems to of been trying to hide. With a small sigh and a shake of his head, "I can't do this."

"Do what?" Ava asks wrapping her towel back onto herself, "Do I need to shave more? Is it something about my tits?''

Freddie walks over and squeezes her hands, "Ava i don't care about body hair, no man should care about the amount of body hair on a woman. You're perfect the way you are."

Ava felt herself tear up she felt like she wasn't perfect for him anymore or was he mad about her using John to get better food and health care? She sniffles and tries to kiss him only to get rejected, ''I love you." she sniffles.

"No, you don't." Freddie says softly reaching inside his suit pocket, "You only love the monster because I forced you to."

"Fred, I-"

"I'm sorry my love. But I think it's time. We say our goodbyes."

Ava cries, "I-Its not fair! I love you! I truly do."

Freddie shakes his head and kisses her one last time before injecting her in the neck with a syringe, "Goodbye my, princess."


Ava awoke in a hospital bed a IV sticking out of her arm and no memories of the past year. All she remembers is leaving the library then a fog takes over her mind. She is startled to see how much her cousin Roger and her sister Taylor have aged. It's only been a year yet they look so much older.

"Are you sure you can't remember anything?" Roger asks her.

"I'm sure. If I could I would tell you everything." she squeezes his hand.

"I'm just glad your home, Avie." Taylor tells her hugging her.

Avie... Why did that feel different? Her head thuds begging her to stop thinking about the stupid nickname, it probably wasn't even that important.

As the three leave the hospital after many weeks and many officers coming and talking to her, the now twenty-three-year-old Ava Jamie Jones is left with more questions than answers, and memories burned away never to be remembered.

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