Froger: Hippity Hoppity You're Now My Property

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Someone wanted me to write a froger one-shot so here it is.

Freddie laughs watching as Roger frogged hopped into the kitchen where the tan skin man sat eating his cereal, "Lost a bet, babe?"

Roger nods then makes a dying frog sound before hopping over making Fred's bowl shake, "Kill me please." he whispers.

Brian calls out from the other room, "Frogs don't speak!"

Roger makes another dying frog sound before headbutting Fred's knee looking up at him sadly.

Freddie laughs hard milk shooting from his nose and he coughs up bits of his froot loops, "R-Rog!"

Roger whines and makes another frog sound, "You hungry?" Freddie asks shaking the box of cereal.

Roger nods and opens his mouth. Freddie pours in some cereal into his mouth along with some almond milk, "There you go, baby boy."

Roger seems pleased with that and nudges Freddie's knee as a form of thanks, "How are you going to record your car song if you can only croak?"

Roger let's out a distress frog sound and nudges Freddie, "I'm not singing it for you. I'm gay not a auto fucker."

Roger only whines louder and hops onto his lap, "You know I'm not done eating.''

Roger only grins he whispers into the Parsi Indian's ear, "Hippity hoppity you're now my property bitch."

Freddie pouts, "I'm not carrying you around all day."

Roger kisses him gingerly, "Please my honey bear? My cutesy little cuddle bug?"

"I don't know pancake, you're become my chunky monkey now." Freddie rubs his ass.

"Pancake? Why you calling me pancake for now?"

Freddie grins mischievously, "Because your ass be flatter than a pancakes." he hits his ass making Roger yelp.

Brian pokes his head into the room, "You sound like a girl, Roggie."

Roger blushes and flips them both off, "I don't like either of you. Maybe I'll let John be my snuggle wuggles now."

"Isn't he with Veronica? And at Disney World right now?"

Roger groans and presses his face into Freddie's chest, "It's not fair!"

Freddie snuggles him shooing Brian out, "Is my baby boy in need of cuddles?"

Roger nods, "My throat hurts from all that croaking and all i want is some cuddles and kissies."

Freddie kisses him gingerly lifting him up. He carries his lover into their bedroom and lays him on their bed, "Fred your cereal?"

''Brian will clean it up." Freddie says laying down next to Roger then wrapping around him.

Roger runs his fingers through Fred's short hair, "My stud muffin."

Freddie blushes and grins widely, "I love you monkey-butt."

Roger giggles peppering his face with kisses, "I love you too, angel face."

Freddie tickles him in the ribs making Roger go onto fits of laughter and flailing, "F-Fred!'' he squeaks out wheezing a bit.

Freddie keeps going, "Tap! Tap!" he pinches Roger's side making the younger man wheeze harder.

After what seemed like minutes of of tickling Roger finally taps red in the face tears streaming down his face, "I tap! I tap! I tap, honey bunches!"

Freddie giggles as Roger flips them around so he was on top instead of Freddie, "In going to make you pay for that.''

Freddie smirks, "How so?"

Roger lifts Freddie's arms above his head he watches the older man squirm a little. Roger was his one free hand begins to tickle Freddie without mercy. He watches the older man squeal and flail from underneath him.

"Roger you win!" Freddie cries out tears running down his face, "You win! You win!"

Roger doesn't stop he keeps making Freddie beg and beg until, "Red." he called out their safe word.

That made Roger freeze entirely he watched as Freddie rubbed at his side and whimpers, "I-I think you dug out a scab."

He lift his shirt up and Roger saw a small mark on Freddie's side that was bleeding a little not much to worry about its just a cat scratch really but that still made Roger's heart drop, " In so sorry." he reaches his hand out.

"Hey it's fine." Freddie says grabbing a tissue from the nightstand and wiping himself off.

"Let me get a bandaid." Roger says scrabbling into the bathroom before Freddie could say he didn't need one.

Roger cleans the scratch and bandaids it, ''There we go.''

Freddie kisses him softly and passionately, "I love you so damn much you don't even know."

"But I hurt you."

"Accidently." Freddie reminds him kissing his cheeks.

"I don't want to be like my father."

"You're not." Freddie says sternly grabbing his hands, "You'll never be like that monster. Do you hear me?"

Roger nods and sniffles a little. He sits down on his lap and snuggles into his chest, "I don't deserve you."

Freddie kisses him gingerly, "Sweetie you're so much better than me with everything. I'm the one that doesn't deserve you."

Roger looks up shocked, "Fred!"

Freddie kisses his hands, "But I know we'll have each other and we don't have to worry about anyone."

Roger blushes softly, "Now didn't you have a bet you lost to Brian?"

Roger huffs and gets into a frog hopping position, "Hippity hoppity you're now my property."

He croaks like a dying frog and jumps onto his lap, "Now give me a fucking kiss big guy." Roger puckers up.

Freddie chuckles and kisses his beloved, "You're so precious. I can't wait to marry you."

Roger blushes and looks at him, "You never proposed."

"So?" Freddie says, "I still want to marry your cute ass."

Roger blushes and looks away, "Here." Fred's voice chimes in and Roger could feel something plastic being placed onto his finger he looks back over.

"Is that a ring pop?"

"I'm broke you're hot lets get hitched in Vegas baby!" Freddie says bouncing on the bed like the big man child he is.

"I wanted a fall wedding in Japan." Roger says, "Where we got our first big start in music."

Freddie grins, "That's fine. I love Japan and I need a new kimono."

Roger kisses him, "Lets get some things planned out then."

The couple run down the stairs to talk to Brian giddy about planning their big day.

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