Roger's Little Sister ⭐

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vampiregirl2131890 Here's your request

"(Y/N), its just the dentist come on out. Don't be a baby.'' Roger rattles a bag of candy at his nine-year-old sister who had hidden herself underneath her bed once finding out she's going to the dentist.

"She's scared." Freddie tells him getting on his hands and knees, "You're being a mean older brother." he shines his phone light down there, "Hello, (Y/N)."

You whimper and looks at him tearfully, "I'm not going!"

Freddie wedges himself under there with you folding himself up almost in humanly that it nearly made you fear him more than the dentist, "Look, (Y/N)
....I went to the dentist as a kid, and guess what?"

"What?" you ask in a small voice tucking your knees to your chest.

"He hated brown people but he was cheap and the only one my folks could afford.''

You nod your head a little wondering where this story is going, "Well he wanted to try and forcefully remove my teeth," he taps his knuckle against one of his extra teeth, "So I bite him. And if your dentist doesn't do something you like you bite them, okay? You bite them and wiggle your head like a pissed off kitty."

You nod thoughtfully, "Okay, Fred."

"Are you going to come out from under the bed so we can get to the dentist now?" Freddie asks softly and you nod again noting how hot and stuffy it was underneath the bed it didn't help that Fred's knobby knees kept springing into your back as he moved.

You crawled out dust bunnies and all and went to your brother, Roger who hugs you tight, "Better now?" he puts the bag of candy on the dresser.

You sniffle some and nod, "A little."

Freddie comes out folded like a forgotten lawn chair left in storage for twenty years, "A little help."

You kneel down you feel the material of your shorts rub against your knees. You press your hands on Freddie's shoulders leaning some as Roger yanks on his legs unfolding him quickly and painfully, "Ow!" Freddie yells kicking a little.

"Lets go." Roger says putting his hands under Fred's armpits and drags him out the door.

You go after them your sneakers squeaking on the hardwood as you jog after, you didn't know what you'll do without them.


Roger drives them to the dentist he goes on a rant explaining why the dentist isn't scary and how he was almost a dentist.

"Yeah until you dropped out for that girl." you tell him.

"Didn't she break your dick?" Freddie pipes up.

"Hush." Roger growls the tips of his ears going red.

"How does that happen?" you asks innocently.

Freddie smirks devilishly, "You see Debbie was wrestling him," he explains going into details that were almost like a adult joke sprinkled into a kid's movie. The adults would get it but not the kids. Roger goes redder in the face, ''And she came down to hard at a funny angle and hurt her.... Her cooter and hurt your brother's d-"

"Quit giving my sister a goddamn twisted version of a sex talk!" Roger yells smacking his arm as he pulls into the parking lot.

The car was awfully quiet after that. Even as they got out it was quiet, you saw Freddie lay his head on Roger's shoulder and whisper something you couldn't make out. Roger puts a arm around Fred's back and you assumed they made up. As you enter the waiting room you started to fidget and mess with the hem of your shirt. It only felt like seconds before they called you back there, "Ms. (Y/N) Taylor?"

You look around hoping some else has your name but nothing. Just an old lady asleep and a young man that looks hungover, and your brother was in the bathroom. You whimper and stand up, your feet felt like they were stuck in a glue-trap you couldn't move. You nearly flinch as a hand touches your shoulder, "Come on." it was Freddie he smiles and guides you back there.

You complied with the dentist and kept your mouth opened. Freddie strokes your (h/c) hair and whispers soothing things as the dentist examines your teeth you knew this also the day you needed the cavity filled. Fred's other hand was holding yours as you squeezed and gripped it, "Now we need to fill in the cavity at the back."

"Don't remind me." you groan a whimper escaping your lips.

"Do you want to be numbed?" the dentist asks.

"Y-Yes, please."

You heard Freddie winces as you dig your nails into his hand as the needle pokes your gums, "Give it a moment to kick in."

Even as the dentist drilled the tooth and filled it, you kept a tight grip on Fred. He was the only reason you were staying in the chair and letting the dentist work in your mouth. It was soon over but it felt like a million years before it was finished. You clang to Freddie right after inhaling his scent of spices and ink, it was calming almost. You felt better in his arms, and the dentist didn't seem as bad as before.

"You done, (Y/N)?" Roger asks ruffling your hair, "Hopefully she wasn't too much trouble, Freddie." he smelled funny it made you wrinkle your nose.

As the three of you leave Roger looks over his shoulder, "So (teasing nickname), was the dentist really that bad?''

You shake your head and look up to Freddie, "No. I had Freddie to protect me.''

Freddie beams holding his hand up with had faint red nail markings on it, "See!"

"Jesus Christ, Freddie put your hand down.'' Roger swats.

Roger helps you get back into the car before getting into the driver's seat, "Everyone ready?"

"I'm ready!" you shout bouncing a little, "Can we get ice cream?"

"You just came back from the den-"

"She has your love of sweets." Freddie points out as they back out.

''Oh alright." Roger huffs, "Mum's going to kill me."

As they drive out you look out the back window and realize something as you stare at the clinic, maybe the dentist isn't so bad after all.

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