Chapter 3

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Kayla Warfield

" Make sure you remember to do your homework it will be due tom-" Ms.John was saying before the 2:20 bell had rang to dismiss us. I swear the last class is always the longest and of course that class was honors math.Today was soooo exhausting and it's only Monday

" Cmon Kayla , let's head to the gym." I turned and seen Latrell with my cheer bag in his hand. As we're walking to the gym I stopped by Yas locker.

" Yas Ima send your the math homework when I get home from practice. See ya later love you ! " I kissed Yasmin on her forehead before jogging  towards the small gym.

The gym was filled with lots of people. Why tf are y'all still at school ? I looked around and I saw my teams on the other side of the gym.

" Kayla you know what time to be in this gym right ?" Coach Lee asked me with a loud strict tone in her voice.

" I I I- " I stuttered feeling very embarrassed. I had half of the gym attention on me

" Oh now you can't speak huh ? Guess who's going to be running the entire 3 hours and 30 minutes  of practice ? Kayla Avani Warfield is !" Coach Lee yelled.

That caused me to jump kinda hard. She's making a scene because I was 5 minutes late to the gym ? I just sighed heavily and walked to the locker room and changed into my black nike spandex and black nike sports bra with these ugly ass cheer shoes.

" GET TO RUNNING KAYLA ! " Coach Lee yelled. It sounded like a big boom because of the eco in the gym.

I swear on everything I love after the first 2 laps I was done. Coach Lee back was turned to the side I was standing on so I took full advantage and laid down on the bleachers. She got me bent if she thought I'm running in a circle for 3 hours.

" KAYLA GO TO THE LARGE GYM AND GET THOSE WATER BUCKETS!" Coach boomed with her back still turned to me .

Boo you don't have to tell me twice. I SPRINTED out the small gym sooo fast.

When I got to the large gyms doors I realized that I'm going this gym with all boys , my anxiety sky-rocketed at that point.

" It's all good Kay , just pretend Trell is the only boy in there, I bet if one of those boys try anything Trell gonna step in." I pep talked myself before opening to large squeaky gym doors. Then boom , all eyes all eyes on me .

" Um Coach Von , where are the water buckets ? "I asked lowly .

He pointed towards the hallway that leads to the locker room.

" One of y'all go help her carry them things." Coach Von said not talking to anybody specific.

The whole team came running over asking me who I wanted to help me. I don't know they did that knowing I'm going to pick Trell.

" Mmcht she's always picking that nigga , shits been like this since elementary school dawg." Some dude mumbled thinking nobody heard him but I did.

" Yeaaa you ain't lying , she must .. nahhh she HAS to be fucking him." Some other dude said to the first shit talker.

I'm guessing Trell heard him because he put the buckets on the carts and walked towards them.

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