Chapter 10

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It was Sunday and Kayla woke up to text all from Latrell and that Toosii boy she met last night.

She decided to ignore Latrell because that's what he was doing to her. It was Sunday , a chill day so Kayla decided to film a youtube video. Kayla didn't have the fanciest equipment but she was saying up to get all the professional things she needs.

" Hey guys it's ya girl Kayla Avani and I'm back with another video ." She smiled into the camera. " Um today Ima do a Q&A because it's been a while since I did one of those.." She trailed.

Opening the instagram app and going to her story and seen she had lots of questions people ask.

" I'm letting y'all know now .. I ain't gonna answer all y'all . BUT first question is where am i from?" She read off the phone.

Kayla lifted her shirt that read " ATLANTA " on it.

" Boo ATL born AND raised " She smiled.

She had a loved her city. The people in it ? Not so much but it's that's the only city she ever known .

" Okay next question is who are my bestfriends ? My bestfriends are my lil brother , Yas , and Latrell. Same crew I ain't hanging with no new bitch . " She rapped into the camera.

Kayla answered a couple more quick lil questions.

" Okay so Ima answer two more questionssssss. Okay this question is have I ever lost any friends?" She thought about the question whether she should answer it or pick another question.

" Um yeah I lost lots of friends. I've seen things I never wanted to see. I had friends who died in my arms while their other " friends " ran. That's why I only hang around a couple of people because I'm scared to loose them and I can't have nobody who envies me in my corner. " She spoke.

Kayla didn't want to continue with the video. She did her outro and stopped the video. She was going to edit it but that last question really got to her. She went downstairs and sat on the living room couch looking for something to watch the her phone started ringing.

It was Kash facetiming her , she was confused cause Kash had 3 certain days he would call and check up on Kayla. She answered it with her face all in the camera.

" Yoooo sis what you doing ? " He spoke , its looked like he was driving.

" I just got done filming a youtube video why wassup ?" She asked concerned.

" Ahhhhhh my lil sis back on her shittttt but Im finna come scoop you go be ready in 5 minutes." With that he hung up in my face.

With confusion written all over her face she went upstairs put some jeans and a tshirt on with her crocs. She hair was still in a slick back and all her hygiene things were done. Her phone dinged and it was Kash saying his outside. She ran downstairs , grabbed her keys and locked up the house.

Kash was older than Kayla. So he really did see her as his little sister.

" We finna go look at some apartments . " He said as soon as I got in the car.

I ain't say nothing, just nodded my head and vibin out.

" Yo grown ass is finally moving out yo mamas house huh ?" I lowly chuckled.

" Girl shut the fuck up I'm only 19 girl. And Seven moving in with me she just don't know yet."

Kash and Seven been dating since we was kids. Of course it was on and off but they've been down since the get go. I've always imagined a relationship like theirs. Kash really adored her.

The whole ride we just chilled , he bought us some food. We sat in front of the lil apartment complex finishing our food.

" You ready ? " He asked taking a sip from his drink.

I just nodded my head and got out the car. Walking to the building it looked nice. It was away from the crime ridden streets. We walked into the apartment and lost my words.

It was beautiful. Tall ceilings, very spacious room, and that kitchen ? That kitchen was BEAUTIFUL. If the kitchen ain't the best part in the house then I don't want it.

" This is niceeee Kanari. You love her this much ? BIG BRUH IN LOVEEEE." I exclaimed.

" Nahhhh I love her this much." I reached in his pocket pulling out a lil box. When he open it was a beautiful heart shaped ring.

I looked at the ring then looked at him. With my mouth hanging to the floor.

" I wanna make this girl my wife Kayla.. Ya know how you and Trell are bestfriends ? And you ride or die bout Trell ? That's how me and Seven is. She makes me wanna quit this street shit and pursue my lil shit with designing. I can't see myself in the future without her. She's saved me Kay. "

Wiping the tears from my eyes I gave Kash a the biggest hug. Seeing him grow into a better person is something so special to me. I got sad at the mention of Trell name. I texted him back this morning but no text back.

We continued to look at the little details about the apartment and walking around the neighborhood before him talking me home .

This chapter is kinda a lil bit of everywhere.. BUT I FINALLY UPDATED.. This chapter is just a filler ..

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