a long day

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lzuku's pov

Today i was waiting for my fifth birthday for i can fing out what my quirk is and i'll get my soulmate mark (one hour later) Ahhhh!?!?!!? my back and head hurt's Mommmmmy?! mommy came rushing in oh my lzu what's wrong m-my back and head hurts i said crying momma lifted my back shirt andd started to rub my back and head than suddenly the pain stopped awww you look so cute huh i said tilting mt head but i felt something move with me look in the mirror i looked in the mirror i saw i had fox ears a wolf tail and a pair of black and white wings i gasped and started touching my ears and wings they were so fluffy sniff sniff mommy i said turning around to look at her momma was crying are you ok?! i'm fine lzu it's just you look like your dad momma? mhem? what does daddy look like? wait here she said getting up and walking out of my room than she came back holding a picture with dad in it he had black hair and two black wings and a yellow halo and a black wolf tail and he had freackels like me! mommy? why was daddy on the news? before? he w-w-was the vignette discord i gasped the one that all might fight off!? yes that's why i don't like all might sweetie don't worry mama i won't be like all might a fake i will be just like dad a true hero that fights the bad guys and save people i said out loud but in deed to learn how to fight right mama? o fcourse lzu and to celebrate i'll make your favorite katsudon yayy! i shouted hey mommy? yes can i go show kaachan my quirk? sure sweetie but be careful ok momma i said running down the stairs and out the front door and started runing down the sidewalk tha- ahh oof did i just glided my wings oww my knee - gasp it's healing i wounder how many quirks i have i got up and dusted my self and kept running until i reached the park i saw kaachan with two other and they were beating two boy one with black hair the other with blue hair i quickly ran in front of the two boys with my arms and wings spread out.

sorry it's short

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