A Sign

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(Clark and Lois' relationship had been going very well, naturally his parents and Chloe were surprised when they told them..well retold them)

(It was certainly odd for the two of them to have memories of what had happened several months ago that nobody else had but the pros certainly outweighed the cons in this situation)

(Clark still felt guilty he went as far as breaking Lionel out of prison to prevent Lex from ruining his life, it had been a rash and foolish decision and Clark knew he couldn't keep making hasty decisions like that..)

(The one he was pondering today however..was different..sort of..)

(Clark sat in the loft fidgeting, his mom climbed the stairs and sat down next to him)

Martha: "What's up, Clark? You look like you have something on your mind."

(Clark looked at his mom, not knowing how to say the words so he nervously took something out of his pocket and handed it to her)

(Martha gasped)

Clark: "I know. I haven't been this terrified since dad was teaching me how to use heat vision."

Martha: "Clark..are you...are you sure? I thought you two were taking it slow."

Clark: "So did I..but there's something different about being with someone who knows my secret. It makes me feel..closer than I've ever felt with anyone..so I'm..considering this."

(Martha handed him back the engagement ring)

Martha: "You know I adore you two together..I'm just..wondering if you're ready for this, Clark. You're not even finished high school yet."

Clark: "I know..it just feels right. I never thought I could get over Lana and yet..since I've been with Lois I've barely thought about her. I think it's a sign. A sign that we belong together."

Martha: "Well..I won't stand in your way. Just make sure you've thought this through some more. Because once you ask that question..there's no going back."

Clark: "Mom I can't imagine asking that question to anyone else."

(At Belle Reve)

(Dr McBride walked down the hall and opened a cell)

McBride: "Congratulations Alicia. You're free to go."

(Alicia Baker looked up and smiled)

(Smallville Theme Plays)

Clois: He is it For Me Where stories live. Discover now