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It's just like any ordinary day.

Jimin and Taehyung were at the Gaming Café near their neighborhood

Taehyung used to come here before when he started University to release his stress but now it has become a habit and he visits atleast once a week

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Taehyung used to come here before when he started University to release his stress but now it has become a habit and he visits atleast once a week. Jimin doesn't really play, he just watches Taehyung and sometimes takes pictures of his godly side profile since the other doesn't even notice while being too focused on the game.

Taehyung sat down in front of the computer and put on his headphones to start playing and Jimin sat next to him with a milkshake on his hand and carefully watched as Taehyung started playing. One hour has passed and Jimin was still looking at Taehyung, he was so taken by the younger's beauty that he didn't notice the figure standing beside him. He got startled when someone tapped his shoulder.

He tried to act cool and "What's wrong?" he asked. He noticed that the other male was wearing a uniform, probably a worker at the Café, "I've noticed on the entry list that you haven't payed for yourself" the male said and Jimin raised an eyebrow "Are you new here?" Jimin smirked

"I just started working this week" the male answered making Jimin scoff. Of course.

"Ask the Manager, I have permission" he told and gestured the male to leave him alone. The guy left and Jimin went back to watching the younger, all this time Taehyung didn't remove his eyes from the screen, he was slightly frowning which made him look hot, especially with those glasses. Jimin took his phone out and took a few shots to later show the latter.

"Manager Nim" the guy called out.
The man who was serving a customer looked up and searched for the person that called for him

"Oh-, Jaewon, what do you need?" the Manager asked, "That customer over there-, they didn't p-" Jaewon pointed towards Jimin and Taehyung.

"Ah-, Jimin and Taehyung. Taehyung did pay. Jimin doesn't really do anything when he comes here. He eats the snacks that Taehyung buys and just watches him until his shift is over. We don't make him pay" the Manager told him.
"Ohhh~" the new worker nodded and went over to serve some customers.

The Manager watched as he did so and was about to enter the kitchen when he heard someone's voice which made him immediately turn around and smile his biggest smile.

"Son Hyunwoo!" Hoseok yelled and entered the Café.

Hyunwoo went over to Hoseok and hugged him, most likely picked him up since Hoseok was quite short. Hoseok snuck his hands around his lover's neck and hugged him close while taking in his amazing scent. Good, he's still using the perfume he gave him.

"You closed?" Hyunwoo let go and asked Hoseok, "Yeah, there weren't many appointments for today and I felt like I was overworking myself. I wanted to have some free time, for you~" Hoseok sang and stretched his arms.

Hyunwoo laughed "Wait here, I need to finish a few things inside, do you want anything?" he asked and Hoseok shook his head saying he already had a coffee before coming here.

"Jimin, I'm done" Taehyung announced and Jimin smiled immediately sprinting up from his seat. He didn't mind staring at Taehyung's face but he felt like sitting down in a place doing nothing wasn't really productive. They both got their stuff and were about to exit.

"Hyunwoo Hyung! We're leaving! Oh-, bye Hoseok Hyung!" yelled Taehyung, Hyunwoo poked his head out of the kitchen and waved, smiling his signature adorable smile, Hoseok waved at them as well.

"It's so hot!!" Jimin whined as they were walking towards their shared apartment, "I know, hang in there" said Taehyung and continued walking.

As they arrived at their apartment, Taehyung took out the keys and opened the door. After they entered, Jimin's phone started ringing, he took it out and smiled seeing who it was.

...Mom💞 is calling...

-"Hello?" answered Jimin
-"Jiminie? How are you dear?" his mother sweetly asked
-"I'm fine, Mom. How about you?" Jimin smiled hearing his mother's voice
-"I'm doing great. Say, is Taehyung with you?" she asked
-"Yeah, he's right next to me. Taehyung say hi!" Jimin put his phone on speaker and gave it to Taehyung
-"Hello Mrs.Park" Taehyung greeted
-"Hello there Taehyung-ah and how many times do I have to tell you to call me Jaeyah and not Mrs. Park!" she complained
-"Forgive me, I'm just used to it. It's hard to suddenly change it" Taehyung pouted
-"Fine! I'll forgive you this time but there better not be a next time or I'm gonna knock some sense into you!" Jimin was trying his best not to burst out laughing
-"Thank you, Goddess" sarcastically replied Taehyung.

OK. Jimin lost it. He laughed and after a minute he calmed down.

-"Hahah, are you guys free tomorrow?" Mrs.Park asked after calming down herself.
-"I'm free but I think Taehyung has a shift in the afternoon" Jimin knows Taehyung's work schedule better than Taehyung himself.
-"Taehyung could you skip it?" Mrs.Park asked
-"What, why?" he raised an eyebrow
-"We need you two to come back to Daegu tomorrow" Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other confused
-"Why so suddenly?" asked Jimin
-"We have important news to announce" she said happily
-"We?" Taehyung questioned
-"Yes, Taehyung, your parents are gonna be here too" she said oddly excited.
-"O-oh" Taehyung was shook, why his parents? What's going on?
-"So, can you guys make it? It's important, for us" she asked for confirmation.
-"If it's important then we'll definetily make it, it only takes 2 hours and 12 minutes, anyways" Jimin assured his Mom.
-"Thank you, honey buns"

-"Is that all?"
-"Yes, honey. I'll leave you be now. Bye~" Mrs. Park sang happily
-"Bye, Mom" Jimin told
-"Bye, Taehyung-ah" she definetily didn't forget about him
-"Bye Mrs-, I mean, Jaeyah" Taehyung smiled nervously and Jimin nodded proud that he didn't forget like he usually does.
-"Goodie good" this sentence made the two smile at her silliness
-"Bye lovilies" she said one last time
-"Bye~" they both said and hung up.

"Guess I gotta call Yoongi Hyung" Taehyung sighed and got his phone out.
"I wonder what are these important news about" Jimin plopped down on the couch and wondered.
"Who knows? Maybe she's marrying you off to some cold ass CEO" told Taehyung and stuck his tounge out towards Jimin when a pillow was thrown at him.

"SHUT UP. DON'T GIVE ME THE WRONG IDEA" Jimin huffed and Taehyung chuckled, "Sorry, by the way, anyone who wants to marry you has to get past me first" Jimin rolled his eyes at what the younger just said, as if he would get past himself...

"I'll be going to the hair salon tomorrow? Are you coming with me?" asked Jimin trying to change topic, "Mhm sure, what color this time?" Taehyung questioned and Jimin just shrugged. It's usually Taehyung who chooses what suits him the best so he doesn't have to think too much.

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