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"Taehyung! Hurry up!" yelled Jimin from far away, "Wait for me! You'll get lost if you go any further!" yelled back Taehyung

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"Taehyung! Hurry up!" yelled Jimin from far away, "Wait for me! You'll get lost if you go any further!" yelled back Taehyung.

After Taehyung finally reached Jimin, they both waited for their bus at the bus stop, Jimin's parents said that instead of their personal driver, taking the bus would be more fun.

Jimin didn't mind it, actually he really liked the idea but Taehyung... he was already pissed off and now he's ten times more.

They both sat down on the bench and patiently waited like the good adults they are but of course, Jimin would have gotten bored sooner or later.

"Is it this one?" asked Jimin as a bus stopped in front of them.

Taehyung shook his head.

"What about this one?" another bus stopped by and Taehyung shook his head, again.

"This?" Jimin asked again, Taehyung said it wasn't the one.

"Oh, is it this one!?" Jimin asked getting up, Taehyung pulled him by his sleeve, Jimin sighed and sat back down.

"Oh look-" Jimin was about to say
"Jimin, no! It's not that one!" Taehyung half yelled, starting to have a headache.

"You didn't even look at it" said Jimin and pouted, "Ours is supposed to arrive in a few minutes, if I had saw it, I would have recognized it-" Taehyung stopped his phrase midway as he turned around, he widened his eyes as he saw that their bus was about to start.

"Jimin! Get up!" he pulled Jimin by his hand and they both ran behind the bus that has already started.

"Hey, I think you left someone behind" a passenger exclaimed to the driver.
The bus driver looked at the reflection on the mirror on his right and stopped driving as he saw two kids following behind, breathless.

"EXCUSE ME!! STOP THE BUSSSSSS!" Taehyung wanted to cry. He was ready to cry. Right here. Right now. If they didn't take this bus, they would have to wait two more hours... he didn't want that, he wanted to go home instead.

"Taehyung-ah, wait! Ouch! My poor legs" Jimin whined and tried to keep up with Taehyung's speed.

The younger sighed relieved as the bus stopped and someone from inside gestured them to enter. Taehyung didn't have time to wait. He took Jimin's bags and held his hand, running towards the bus.

"Thank you" said Taehyung out of breath as he got to the bus.

The driver smiled.

The bus was pretty empty, only a couple and an old lady were inside. Jimin and Taehyung sat down on the far back seat and sighed.

"That was close" told Jimin and giggled.
"Yeah, really close" Taehyung searched inside his bag for some water but he didn't find any. Jimin noticed how he was going through his bag and asked what was wrong.

"I can't find my water bottle" Taehyung huffed, "Wait-, didn't you take it out when we were at the stop? Could it be that you..." Jimin wondered

"Fuck my life" Taehyung muttered under his breath.

"Here have mine. I already drank it but it shouldn't matter" Jimin handed his water bottle, Taehyung took it from his hand and immediately drank it. Jimin stared at him then smiled to himself.

Indirect Kiss.

Taehyung later realized that he drank the water placing his lips on it which meant-, he blushed at the thought.


"Excuse me?" the old lady in front of them whispered, "Yeah? Can I help you?" Jimin whispered taking one of his earphones off, Taehyung fell asleep, his head was leaning on Jimin's shoulder so he tried not to wake him up.

"Isn't he Taesung's son?" the lady asked pointing at Taehyung

"Taesung?" Jimin repeated

"Yeah, he owns the farm on the leany area" the lady explained

"I-I think so, I don't know who Taesung is. It could be his dad, I don't know his real name because I always call him Mr. Kim" said Jimin.

"Oh" the lady smiled gently and nodded, Jimin smiled back, "You have a beautiful smile" she said sweetly making Jimin giggle happily, "Thanks, I got it from my Mom"

"I see, your mother must be a beautiful woman then. Other than your looks, you also seem like a really nice person" the lady continued complimenting him. Jimin knows how to have conversations with elderly people, life lessons and boring things are always part of them so they kept talking for a while.

"You and him must be really good friends" she said at one point noticing how comfortable Jimin and Taehyung were with each other.

Jimin looked over at Taehyung who was still sleeping on his shoulder. His mouth was slightly opened. He was beautiful.
Jimin turned back and looked at the lady, "Yeah, we've known each other since middle school"

"Friends only?" she suddenly asked tilting her head, "W-what?" Jimin blushed at that question

"Are you guys friends only?" she repeated a bit louder thinking that the younger didn't hear her because of the bumpy sounds the bus was making, "W-what do you mean by that? Me and Taehyung are not-" Jimin's face was flushed at the moment and he was trying his best not to stutter

"Oh! Sorry child. My stop is close. I'll get ready now" she got up and took her stuff.
Jimin nodded and was about to put his earphones back on but...

"By the way, I remember now, I meant to ask if you guys were best friends seeing how long you have known each other, you two can't be just friends, maybe BFFs or something like that. My grand daughter uses that to address her really close friend" the lady explained and Jimin blushed even more realizing he understood her the wrong way.

"Hahah, yeah, me and Taehyung are best friends" Jimin answered and the lady nodded, she bid her goodbyes before getting off the bus.

Jimin facepalmed and groaned which accidentally woke up Taehyung.
He removed his head from Jimin's shoulder and rubbed his eyes.

"Got a good sleep?" asked Jimin ruffling his hair, Taehyung nodded and tried opening his eyes.

"Why are you red?" asked Taehyung as he noticed how flushed Jimin's face was, "O-oh that! It's just so hot, that's why. It's normal for me" Jimin tried finding an excuse, Taehyung found it suspicious but he just shrugged it off.

If Jimin didn't want to tell him then he shouldn't bother him.

"I told you it would be hot in the countryside. You still have time to go back-"



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