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"Well, it's nice to be back" Seokjin sighed happily, running a hand through his desk. It was organized the same way as the one he had in America.

"You like it?" asked Namjoon noticing Seokjin's huge smile, "I just didn't think I'll get to do this again. I kinda missed being your Secretary..." Seokjin honestly told, ears turning red from embarrassment

"I can say the same thing, none of the people who got interviewed fitted my expectations, I don't know why but I keep comparing everyone to you" Namjoon told and Seokjin was trying his best not to let his flustered side out. Why is he so bold...

"What more can I say? I just hope we last long" Namjoon extended his hand. Seokjin stared at it before gladly accepting it "Me too" he told with a big smile.


A year later...

"So, Mr. Choi, what is it that you wanted to talk about again?" Namjoon asked uninterested, "You should fire Secretary Kim-" the older man said, "Sir, please no. Let's not go back to that conversation" Namjoon immediately denied

"Don't worry! I'm back at it with proof or most likely things I noticed while seeing him work" Mr. Choi protested with a confident look, Namjoon sighed "Fine, let's see" he surely wasn't gonna fire Seokjin, he just wants to see what this man has prepared this time.

"First of all, Secretary Kim doesn't like animals-" what? Animals? Namjoon was trying his best not to scoff, Seokjin loves animals


Namjoon walked in the living room to find Seokjin watching cute animal videos on the big screen

"Again?" Namjoon chuckled
"Yeah, I just thought about the New Pets' Care that opened to which I donated 1M. Since I remembered how they had these poor, adorable, innocent stray animals, I felt like watching these cute compilations. The owner also sent me a text to thank me so yeah" Seokjin simply answered

"Which one? You did three donations to Pets' Shops last week" told Namjoon, "I meant the one I did this week" Seokjin replied and Namjoon nodded with a chuckle.


"Second of all, he doesn't like kids, at all" okay, this was the falsest thing he has ever heard. Kids? Seokjin loves them to death

"These are the two donations that were asked of us. One is for a school and the other one is for a newly opened mall" explained an employee, pointing at the screen displaying on the mall.

"The school has been there for a while so I don't see why they would ask for such thing, that's why I suggest that for the mall we should-" the guy kept explaining, Namjoon listened carefully and glanced towards Seokjin, he was all pouty and sad about the whole donation thing.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lee, please stop" Namjoon interrupted and the lights turned back on, "What is it, Sir?" the guy gulped and asked

"Seokjin-ssi, what do you suggest out of the two?" he asked turning back to look at his Secretary, "What, me?" asked Seokjin pointing at himself and received a stern nod from the younger.

"Well, I honestly think donating for the school would be better because... like said, a school is for education and many students attend that school from what I've seen on my research, most of them do many activities and if it suddenly closed because it fell back on wealth, it would be sad to think about all those kids who would have to look for another school-" Seokjin fidgeted with his hands and told, making eye contact with Namjoon only as he listened to every word he said.

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