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"Jimin-ah, good morning" Taehyung smiled upon seeing a sleepy Jimin with his eyes still half closed.

Jimin got closer and stood beside him, Taehyung looked at him and then pointed at the food he made, turning his back to the older.

"I made scrambled eggs an-" Taehyung was surprised when Jimin suddenly pulled him and cupped his face, making him look his way, Taehyung blushed, Jimin's eyes were intesily staring into his "W-what's the problem?" Taehyung reached out for Jimin's hands that were placed on his face and tried pulling them away. Jimin sighed and let go.

'What the hell was that about?' Taehyung wondered.

He would have asked Jimin what was wrong but didn't bother since the other already started eating. Taehyung joined in after his toast was done.


"Hey Taehyung!" Changkyun greeted
"Hey" Taehyung simply replied, still focused on digging the dirt.

"Did you notice something strange about Jimin?" asked Changkyun and Taehyung looked up and sighed.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung took off his gloves and went to grab his water bottle, Changkyun followed behind "He's been acting really weird today. He's usually not this quiet. Did you guys fight or something?" he asked

"What? No! Why would me and Jimin fight?" Taehyung frowned, "I was just asking. Maybe you should ask him, all my energy disappeared when I saw how lifeless he looked" Changkyun finished and shrugged as he walked away.

Taehyung stood there for awhile, he decided to listen to Changkyun and go find Jimin to talk to him.

First Attempt

"Hey Jimin. I need to-" Taehyung found Jimin picking up some peaches to deliver to the old lady, "Not now, Taehyung. Later" Jimin sternly said and without even looking at the other, he walked away.

Second Attempt

Jimin was watering some plants "Hey Jimin, Can we talk no-" Taehyung reached him and the smaller immediately put down the pipe (water pipe) that he was holding and went to turn off the water.

"Sorry, Taehyung. I wanna focus on working right now" said Jimin and passed by him, he didn't even look at Taehyung, again.

Third Attempt

Taehyung sighed, Jimin was feeding the cows and he surely did look happy. He smiled and giggled as he played with Aurora, wow, Taehyung would have ever thought he would be jealous of a damn dog, "Jimin! Don't run away! Why ar-" Taehyung blocked the only exit Jimin could use to get out.

"Taehyung, no" Jimin answered and climbed over the fence, the taller watched him as he turned around the corner.
"Ahhh!" he yelled kicking a rock that was on the floor. It accidently hit one of his mom's favourite cows.

"Oh! Sorry, Laila-" he didn't have time to finish his sentence as the cow kicked the  rock right back at him and it went flying straight to Taehyung's knee.

"Aish! Dumb cow! It was a mistake!" Taehyung gritted his teeth

"Moo" the cow sassily said and turned her back to him

"I'm selling you, I swear-" Taehyung wanted to kick that damn piece of me-

"Taehyung-ssi! It's time to leave, Jimin is waiting!" Changkyun yelled and Taehyung glared at the cow before walking away, still holding onto his knee.


It got dark as they were walking home, the sky was decorated with stars

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It got dark as they were walking home, the sky was decorated with stars. This scenario reminded Jimin of when he first met for the first time Taehyung outside of school.

"Mom, I'll be there...Yes, I got it" Jimin sighed as he hung up the call. His mom can be so overprotective sometimes.
He was on his way to his house after coming back from a party that was held by his classmate.

As he was about to turn around the corner, he bumped into someone.
Jimin fell on the floor with a loud thud and so did the other stranger.

Jimin immediately got up and rubbed off the dust before extending his hand to the stranger "Hey, are you okay?" he asked as the stranger took his hand and got up, rubbing his back while slightly groaning.

The guy seemed familiar, Jimin couldn't really tell because of the hoodie, he bowed and was about to walk away when the stranger called his name. Jimin turned around and looked at him while raising an eyebrow.

"J-Jimin, it's me. Taehyung" the male let his hoodie fall off his head.

Jimin widened his eyes as Taehyung's eyes were puffy and his cheeks flushed, "Taehyung, what happened?" Jimin got closer and made the younger look at him by cupping his face.

"I-I had an argument with my parents and I don't have a place to stay for the night-" Taehyung was on the verge of tears thinking about all the hurtful words he told his parents, he felt bad.

He knew he shouldn't have done that.

His parents did their best at making sure that he never felt left out on anything in life. But now, here he was, in the middle of the street, crying because of an argument he stubbornly started about his parents job as farmers.

"Shhh, it's okay" Jimin hugged him and tried to console him, Jimin and Taehyung might only see each other during lunch but during that short time they make sure to tell each other everything. They both didn't know why but being with each other made them happy, like a safe zone.

"I can't believe you ran all the way from your house to this area" said Jimin and laughed trying to lighten up the mood, Taehyung just sadly smiled and kept looking down at the floor.

"Where were you originally planning on staying?" asked Jimin out of curiosity.
"Seokjin Hyung's house, I know he stays up late to study so he would have opened the door for me" Taehyung sadly said and Jimin nodded.

"Taehyung, look at the stars! It's hard to see them around here!" Jimin giggled happily as he pointed at the sky, Taehyung looked up and his eyes started sparkling. That's what Jimin thought.

Jimin was now able to admire Taehyung's amazingly sharp jawline. The way his face was so fit with the scenery... he's just God's favourite.

Jimin didn't realize he was staring until Taehyung swang his arm around his shoulder, "Let's get going, it's cold" Taehyung trembled and kept walking, Jimin looked down at the floor, embaressed.

He likes it when Taehyung hugs him.

He likes it when Taehyung compliments him

He likes Taehyung. Just Taehyung.

While Jimin was lost in his thoughts, Taehyung was busy admiring Jimin's features. Soft cheeks, plump lips, beautiful eyes and he himself was illegal. Yeah, illegal.

"Let's hurry up" said Jimin and Taehyung nodded. They both started walking faster and soon reached Jimin's house.
That night Taehyung stayed over at his place for the first time, obviously with Jimin's parent's permission.

The next day Jimin accompanied Taehyung to his parents, he helped him calm down and eventually he made up with them.

That was the day when Taehyung and Jimin fell in deep.

They knew they liked each other, needed each other, loved each other.
But what can they do? They're both too scared  to lose each other.

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