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"Hey, Jungkook!" Yugyeom, Jungkook's classmate shouted. He was able to reach Jungkook once the other stopped walking and turned around.

He swang an arm around his shoulder and smiled, "Any plans for today?" Yugyeom asked and Jungkook nodded, smiling.

Yugyeom huffed and let go of Jungkook, "Seeing your Sugar Daddy again?" he asked and received a punch on the arm from Jungkook.

"He. Is. Not. My. Sugar. Daddy" he remarked and Yugyeom scoffed.

"Sure, someone who spoils you like hell and treats you like their child obviously isn't your Sugar Daddy, tell me, what is he then?" he looked at Jungkook "He's my future hubby", Yugyeom rolled his eyes seeing him smile like an idiot.

"Reasonable" Yugyeom muttered and walked ahead.

Jungkook exited the school, ready to go home and  get prepared to see Yoongi later in the afternoon but, he wasn't expecting to meet him at the school gates.

Yoongi didn't see him, he was going through his phone. Jungkook snuck up behind him and poked his shoulder, Yoongi didn't get startled, he looked up and slightly smiled as he saw Jungkook.

"What are you doing here?" asked Jungkook as they started walking.

"The shop is closed today, I was bored so I thought I could pick you up. It's been a while since I came to your school" Yoongi answered and Jungkook nodded, yes, it has been awhile.

The last time he came to pick him up from school was when he got in a fight with a classmate, he couldn't call his parents so he called Yoongi instead. Since then people started calling Yoongi his Sugar Daddy, "just for fun" they said but it bothered Jungkook a lot, he knew the older would be really uncomfortable is he ever found out so he tried his best to not let it slip.

They soon arrived at Jungkook's house or most likely, mansion. As they entered, Yoongi was greeted by the maids.

"Good to see you, Yoongi-ssi" said the Butler and Yoongi bowed, showing off his professional smile he mostly uses with his customers meanwhile Jungkook went upstairs to take a shower and get dressed.

"Would you like to have anything?" asked a maid and Yoongi shook his head, "No, thanks. I'm not really hungry" he nicely replied and the maid nodded but before she could leave, another maid came in with plates and placed them on the table.

"I didn't ask anything" Yoongi said looking at the chocolate mousse placed in front of him, "Young Master said that we should serve it to you while you wait" the maid answered, she bowed and immediately left with the other.

Yoongi sighed, seriously, that kid is always feeding him, no wonder his Mom called him chubby yesterday.

He has to admit that Jungkook knows everything he likes, from food to the ideal type of husband.

'Is that why he's convinced to marry him?' Yoongi chuckled at that thought.

He has always wondered what Jungkook liked about him, he's not that pretty nor handsome, not nice and gentle like the other Menwos either...

His thoughts got interrupted when Jungkook came downstairs. His hair still wet and the towel hanging on his neck.

Yoongi placed the finished chocolate mousse on the table and got up.
Jungkook looked at him and smiled.

"I told you many times to not serve me anything whenever I visit" Yoongi reminded and Jungkook looked at him innocently, "My mom taught me that it's disrespectful to not serve anything to guests or... lover" he said and laughed as Yoongi's eyes widened.

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