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"MOM!" Kelo yelled upstairs. "Yes? What is it?" "Mako's having a seizure!" "SHIT!" Kelo heard Mom say. She ran downstairs with the watch in one hand and the phone in the other. See when I have a seizure then my family has to time the seizure before calling 911. Basically they call when I either stop breathing or the seizure goes longer than five minutes. The next thing to do is to put something soft under my head to prevent me from injuring my head. After about four and a half minutes I was still seizing so Mom dialled 91 to be safe. Then I started choking. Of course I had no idea this was happening but they told me afterwards. "Damn IT!" Kelo yelled. Mom immediately dialled 1 and got an operator. "911 what's your emergency?" "Yes my son is having a seizure and is choking." "Okay first of all is this his first seizure?" "No he has epilepsy so he has seizures." "Okay did he have anything to eat before the seizure." "Did he have anything to eat before the seizure?" Mom asked Kelo. Kelo shook his head. "No he didn't." "Okay did he accidentally swallow something?" "No" Mom said as Kelo shook his head again. All of a sudden I gave a gasp of air. "Wait he's stop's choking and is breathing." "Okay is he still seizing?" "No it's slowing down now." "Okay the ambulance is on its way." Then there was a knock at the door. "Kelo can you get the door?" Mom asked. Kelp went upstairs and let the paramedics in. "This way down here" Kelo said directing the paramedics. The paramedics put a stretcher on the floor and waited. In total my seizure plus choking episode was ten minutes long more than double the typically time of my seizures. The medics made sure my airway was clear and loaded me onto the stretcher and then the ambulance. Mom went with me in the ambulance while Kelo stayed behind to call Dad and wait for him.
The next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital. 'What the heck?' I thought 'What am I doing in the hospital?' There was a knock on the door and a nurse I didn't know entered. "Hello there Mako is it?" "Yes and you are..." "My name's Ang. I'm new here so I guess that's why you don't know me." "Yeah" I said smiling "I'm in the hospital pretty often." "Yes you are. Looks like according to your chart you were hospitalised due to a seizure." "So that's why I'm here." Then my parents and Kelo entered the room. "Hey kiddo I heard you gave your brother and Mom quite a scare there!" my dad said. I looked at Kelo who looked back at me smiling. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." "No problem bro. Warn me though if you feel funny next time." "That's the thing though Kelo. I felt absolutely fine before the seizure. Usually I get like a feeling of leaving my body or tingling in my limbs.  This time I didn't feel anything." My parents looked at each other worryingly. "You know we're going to have to talk about that to Dr Hollow about that right?" "Yeah I know." "Well" Ang said "I"ll leave you guys to chat." After that it was dinnertime so while I ate the hospital food Dad and Mom went to the cafe to eat. Kelo decided to stay with me and ate sandwiches he had packed. "So what do you think happened?" he asked me. "I honestly don't know" I told him "One minute we're playing video games then the next I'm in the hospital." "That's kind of scary man." "You're telling me. Man why is hospital food always so trash?" "I don't know I guess it's a way to make you want to leave." I laughed at that. That evening we spent playing cards and then watched Horn which is about  a kid with horns and his struggle to survive after his parents die and his village kicks him out for being "cursed". Then my brother and folks went home. Luckily when I have to stay in the hospital because of a seizure it's only overnight as long as I don't have another one. 

The next morning Dr. Hollow came into my room for a meeting.  My parents arrived around nine but Kelo went to school. When Dr Hollow came in you could tell that the news wasn't great. "So according to your chart what happened was that you have a really bad seizure?" "Yes" Mom answered "But the part we're concerned about is the fact that Mako said that he didn't feel the seizure coming on. He's always been able to feel when a seizure was about to happen." "Hmm that's interesting. How has his energy been since we talked last?" "He was really tired yesterday afternoon but his appetite was fine." They continued to talk for about three hours. Finally Dr. Hollow said that I could go home which made me glad. As I lowered my self into the wheelchair (hospital policy) I thought to myself how odd it was that I didn't feel the seizure coming. As we entered the van I asked Mom what she thought about it. "I don't know Mako. I think it was just a fluke and you'll be fine." If only it had turned out that way. 

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