Death approaches

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The next day we flew to Kad. I was quite tired but I tried to stay awake. "Honey if you need a nap there's no shame in that." "No I can stay aw...ZZZZ" It wasn't till we landed that I woke up. "What? What happened?" "You fell asleep bro" Kelo. "Oh." Then i suffered a seizure. "MAKO!" It was about an hour later (according to Mom) that I woke up. "Honey are you okay?" "Yeah I'm just tired." We went to the hotel and settled down for the day. I honestly don't remember much but apparently I slept most of the day. The next day we explored the city. Unfortunately most of Kad is Desert so my wheelchair wasn't very useful. We travelled around and saw the desert statue named for the kingdom. 

However two weeks into our stay and I started feeling tingling in my arms. Sure enough it turned out that the curse was now covering my stomach and hands. It was at this point we had to discuss whether or not to go home. "What do you think?" I asked Mom. "I want to continue since we only have one left but the question is do you feel up to it?" I sighed tiredly. "Honestly not really. I'm tired and I kind of just want to go home." We talked it over with Dad and Kelo and they agreed. If I wasn't feeling that great it would probably be best to be near our own doctor and medical systems. However it only got worse from here. The following morning I woke up and couldn't see. "MAMA!" I screamed out. Mom and Dad came runnign into our room. "What's the matter dear?" "I can't see! I can't see!" We knew that this moment was coming but it was a shock to us still. "Shh it's okay honey. Can you touch my hand?" Scared stiff I reached out for my Mom. I touched her and she said "See? It doesn't matter if you can no longer see me as long as you can touch and hear me. Okay?" I calmed down and nodded. Later that afternoon we arrived at the airport. Since I could no longer see Kelo was now driving my wheelchair. "Don't make me crash now." "Don't worry Kelo. You'll be  riding smoother than a baby's bottom if I'm driving." We got on the plane and took off for home. I asked Mom if she could describe the sky for me. "IT's beautiful and sunny. The clouds are fluffy like marshmallows. The sun is shining and we are in the clouds." We arrived home that afternoon. I was tired so Mom carried me off the plane to allow me to nap more comfortably. 

Two weeks followed before I was able to go to the doctors. This was because the night we arrived home I came down with a fever. Mom was worried for me so she called Dr Hallow. He advised that we don't bring me to the hospital as he thought it was just a fever and could probably be treated at home. Finally the fever broke and we were able to get me checked out. Sure enough the news was bad. Dr Hallow told me that my curse was now directly affecting my immune system. "You can no longer fight most infections now Mako." "How long do you think he has?" Mom asked him. "Honestly I would say no more than two months. Typically those who get cursed don't last long once their immune system starts to fail." 

Mom and I went home rather heartbroken. On the way home I started crying. "Oh dear it's alright!" "I I don't want to die Mommy! I'm scared!" Mom pulled the car over in a local park and got out of the car. She opened my side of the car and gave me a hug. "I promise you you won't die alone. Your Dad and I will both be there." We got home and my Dad and brother were sitting at the table with dinner ready. "Well? Don't keep us in the dark!" Dad asked. Mom and I looked at each other (as much as I could look at her lol). "Well it's not good. The doctor said that he doesn't think that Mako will survive more than two months." "So that means no Changnel?" That was something I hadn't thought about. Changnel was our winter holiday where we celebrate the creation of the world and the birth of the first humans. It's generally held in December but since it was September now that meant that I probably wouldn't live for it. "I don't know. He possibly could but it's not likely." I thought about this. "Well I think we shouldn't be counting the chickens before they hatch here" Dad said "We don't know for sure he won't surprise us and survive." We agreed and ate dinner. 

Two months later (Mom takes over from here)

Hello readers. My name is Unora. I'm Mako's mother. He asked me to continue the story as his hands have now been covered and he is unable to use them.  Anyway its now November and Mako's still here. Dr. Hallow was rather surprised that he lived that long. "Honestly I thought he would just get sick and die." "Never underestimate a boy's will to live Dr" I told him. "That's true Unora." What I didn't tell the doctor was that we had basically quarantined Mako inside the house and wore masks whenever we went out of the house. Even my husband wore a mask while he was at work. We were dang determined to let him live through one last holiday. 

Finally it was winter and almost time for Changnel. For those of you who don't know what Changnel is I'll explain. Its our winter holiday where we celebrate the first snow and the beginning of winter. Why would we celebrate the coldest time of the year in our country? Well its because our country's independence was won during the week long Changnel and victory was first declared right after snow began to fall. Mako was very excited that he managed to live to see one more Changnel as it was his favourite holiday. "Are you ready to go Mako?" I asked him. "Yes Mom. Let's go already!" We going downtown to see the lighting of the victory tree ceremony. Or in Mako's case hear the carols and then the speech. "Are you dressed warm enough?" "MOM!" "hey buddy I don't want you catching a cold alright?" "Okay I'll put an extra sweater on" he said wheeling back to his room. If you're wondering how he can control his chair when he's blind Dr. Hallow put an app on it that tells Mako if he's about to hit something. It's pretty convenient as it allows him to retain his freedom despite being blind. 

We went to the town square and enjoyed the ceremonies. You should've heard Mako singing "oh Victory night" his favourite carol. We finally got home about 10 pm. Mako was very happy as this meant that he had achieved his last wish. As I lifted him into his hospital style bed (it was more comfortable for him that way) he looked in my direction and smiled. "Penny for your thoughts?" I asked him. "I'm finally ready." I looked at him in alarm. "What do you mean sweetie?" " I'm ready to go to Ashar." Ashar is kinda of like our version of Heaven. "Oh honey. I know you've been trying so hard to survive one last holiday."  I lovely swept his hair off his face and adjusted his oxygen mask. "I'm so tired though Mom. It's like I can feel my strength failing me." I adjusted his blanket and said goodnight. It was something that I personally never had actually thought about. Yes I knew in my head that Mako was dying but I don't think until now that my heart had actually acknowledged the fact. As I went up to my bedroom Nico met me in the hallway. "You look troubled dear. What's the matter?" Nico had always been very good at knowing how I'm feeling. "It's Mako. He just said to me that he is ready to die." Nico looked at me sadly. "Yeah to be honest he mentioned it to me earlier during the ceremony." "You know I don't think I really considered how painful it must be to be going through what Mako is going through. I mean consider it. He's had to cope with losing his ability to walk and going blind. Plus there's the leg spasms he's been having. Do you think that he may not want to live anymore?" "Honestly I think the only thing that has kept Mako alive is the holidays." "Yeah I guess so." "Don't worry about it too much hon. It's the holidays and probably Mako's last one so let's just enjoy it as a family."

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