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"Wait a sec! Kelo exclaimed. "Just how far has the disease progressed?" I looked down sheepishly. "Okay that's it. Off with the pants man."  "Uh No. No way man." Kelo looked at me. "Fine I'll get Mom then." "ALRIGHT! I don't have it that far anyway."  I pulled my pants legs up to my thighs and Kelo gasped. The black stuff had spread to about my knees.  "Dang man that stuff is spreading fast." "Do you think we should tell Mom?" "Not yet. I'm willing to bet she'll just want to go home if she sees this."
A month later we were ready to move on to the next continent of Jin.

For those of you that don't remember Jin is the region that rains all the time.  We entered our hotel from a thunderstorm and I sneezed. "Are you alright dear?" Mom asked me "You're not catching a cold?" "MOM!" "He's alright dear" Dad laughed. "He ain't dead yet so don't ask for trouble." I laughed at that and then sneezed. "Okay that's it young man. You're getting into the hotel room and into a bath then bed." I nodded as I kept sneezing. It was that evening when I realised something was seriously wrong. I honestly couldn't feel my legs. 'Shib.' I thought to myself 'Looks like its spread past the thighs.' I slipped underneath the covers and slipped my PJ's down. Sure enough my legs were now covered in the black stuff right up to .. well let's just say its wasn't pretty.  I thought about whether or not to tell my folks. 'On the one hand they may end the trip early. On the other I don't think I can walk so it's not like i could hide this long.' Just then my family came into the room. "Hi honey how are you feeling?" Mom asked me. "Fine but I have something I need to tell you guys." "What's up bro?" "I..I can't feel my legs." "Wait WHAT?" they exclaimed all at once. "It's just that. I woke up earlier and I couldn't feel my legs. It gets worse though. My curse have spread to.... well where the sun don't shine let's say." My Mom came over and hugged me. "Oh my poor baby!" *Gasp* "Ma you're suffocating me!" "Oh sorry dear" she said lightening her squeeze. "Okay" Dad said "The question now is what to do next? Should we continue or go home?" I looked up at him. "I still feel fairly strong Dad. I don't want to stop just because I can no longer walk." "What do you think dear?" Dad asked Mom. My Mom looked at me. "Honestly I would prefer to go home but I agree with Mako." "WHAT?!" we exclaimed at her! Mom laughed. "What? Did you think I would force Mako to go home?" I looked at her sheepishly. "Well yeah." "I want you to fulfill your wish son. Even if we have to carry you against the finish line and describe the scenes we will." With that decided we agreed to tour the area tomorrow. 

The following morning I realised another problem. "Hey Kelo. I just realised something." "Yeah what's that Mako?" "If I can't walk anymore how am I going to get around?" "Simple bro. We'll just carry you. I don't know if you realise this but you're pretty light." I looked at him incredulously. "Uh Kelo? You do realise that that would be quite embarrassing for me right?" "What do you mean?" "Well people are used to seeing seniors use wheelchairs and walkers right? And most people are used to/won't comment on adults/kids in wheelchairs right?" "Yes." "Well I think they would comment on seeing a ten year old being carried around like a baby. Even a frail looking one at that." "You have a point. We should talk this over with Mom and Dad." Then came a knock at the door. "Boys time for breakfast" Mom called. "COMING!" we called back. "Okay well for now you'll have to let me carry you Mako." "Oh lord PLEASE don't let anyone see us!" Kelo picked me up in his arms and carried me to the hallway. As we went to the elevator there was a young boy with his mother. "Hey mommy. Why is that boy being held like Jul?" "KENO! That's rude!" We exited the elevator and joined our parents for breakfast. Over breakfast Kelo explained my concerns about being carried around like a baby. "In fact in the elevator there was a little boy who pointed the fact out." Mom and Dad looked at us concerned. "I see your guy's point but I'm not sure if we're able to get a wheelchair anywhere around here." "Excuse me but I hear you folks are looking for a wheelchair?" We turned towards the voice. There was a man who had overheard our conversation. "I'm sorry but who are you?" Dad asked. "I'm sorry. My name is Ehtan. I couldn't help but overhear you. If you guys are looking for a place that sells wheelchairs for your sons I can help. I sell and make wheelchairs." "This isn't a scam is it?" Dad asked. Ehtan looked offended. "My good sir! I assure you this isn't a scam!" "He speaks the truth you know" our waiter said delivering desert. "I've known Ehtan for years. In fact he even made his own son's wheelchair." That's when i heard a wheelchair approach. "Hello folks. Is Dad trying to sell you wheelchairs again?" "I'm sorry. It's just I'm used to having locals scam me from when I travelled as a young adult." "If I may ask why are you in a wheelchair i asked the boy. "My name is Darc. I have paraplegia. That's why I can't walk. And yes it's true Dad did build my wheelchair. Took about a month but yes he did." With this we were convinced. We went to Ehtan's shop and asked him to build me a wheelchair. 

During the month we were waiting I got used to be carried on my brother's shoulders. It seemed to be more normal for a kid to be piggybacking on his brother's shoulders but whatever. When the day came I was quite excited. We went to Ehtan's shop and got my chair. I tested it out and it worked fine. "Thank you very much Mr. Ehtan." "No problem my boy! I wish you well on your journey." That evening we started our journey for KAD. This is also known as Kingdom of Angel Desert. It's the hottest place on Earth. 

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