Exploring Fro/Disease Progressing

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My favourite part of Fro was the palace. Back about one hundred years ago the royals lived here. However when the communist revolution happened eighty years ago they overthrew the royals and established a dictatorship. Ten years ago there was a anti communist revolt and overthrew the dictator. This reestablished the monarchy however they didn't return to the palace and now rule somewhere in the country. 
It was midday when I didn't feel too well. "Mom I feel funny." I then fell back and Kelo caught me. Unfortunately for me Kelo was wearing a hard belt with a fancy buckle and the force of my head hitting the metal caused me to have a seizure. 

When I woke up I was on my side on the concrete and my family was doing what we call "a seizure circle". What this is is where your family/friends form a circle around you so that you can have a seizure in private (sort of) when you're in a public place. "Are you alright Mako?" my mother asked me. "yeah" I said tiredly. "You're alright. You just had a spell." I tried to sit up which was easy but when I tried to stand my legs failed me. "Easy there tiger" Dad said "You're probably just tired from the seizure. Just let me carry you." I consented with a huff. I typically don't like Dad (or anyone for that matter) carrying me because it makes me feel helpless which at this point I'm not. As we went back to our rented van I realised just how tired I felt. "Hey Mom do you mind if I take a nap when we get back to the hotel? I'm feeling tired." Mom looked back at me anxiously. "Sure thing if you need to." We reached the hotel and luckily for me my legs decided to work for me. 'Good grief' I thought 'Is this going to keep happening from now on?' I went into the room behind Kelo and just crashed onto the bed.

When I finally woke up I found out I'd been out for over four hours. "Dang man I thought you'd never wake up" Kelo told me. "Yeah to be frank I've been feeling more tired lately."  Kelo looked at me concerned. "You know you should probably tell Mom and Dad about this." "Yeah but I don't want to ruin our trip. To be honest that black stuff Dr. Hollow talked about is starting to spread." 

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