My problem

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Here's my problem. I'm screwed up inside. Yes I Mako Mion was really screwed up inside. Okay now I hear you wondering how is this guy screwed up inside? It's not anything mental it's just that my blood is poisoned. "Poisoned?" you ask "How is your blood poisoned?" Well that's an interesting story involving a dog a sorcerer and an idiot kid who couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Six years ago

"Freckles come back! You're not allowed in Ms. Janor's lawn!" I ran after our beagle Freckles. Like most  dogs she loved to dig holes and bury her bones we give her from our meat (no chicken bones of course). For some reason though her favourite digging spot was Ms. Janor's garden where her prized roses were. Ms. Janor was a witch but she was a little evil. What I mean is she was willing to curse people and animals. This is technically not allowed but if the person/animal was trespassing then it was in the owners right to "defend their property." Anyway Ms. Janor had already warned my family that is Freckles was caught in her garden again she would turn him into a demon dog. So I ran after him praying to which ever of the seven deities were listening that she wasn't home. "Freckles come here! I'll give you ribs!" "I thought I told YOU TO KEEP THAT DAMN DOG IN YOUR YARD!" a voice said behind me. I wiped around behind me. "Ms. Janor please have mercy! She doesn't know you don't like dogs!" "You should know and do though boy! You are fully capable of keeping your dog in YOUR YARD! Maledicit canis hic convertam eum daemonium in" "NOOOO YOU WITCH! YOUR NOT CURSING MY DOG!" Ms. Janor wiped around. "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" "I I MEAN UH....." "That's it! You asked for it! Turn puero hoc maledicite habitatoribus eius in daemonium. "STOP" I turned towards the voice and saw my brother Kelo running towards me. BANG! I got slammed in the back by the witch's curse. I fell forward and blacked out. (Note this next part was told to me later in the hospital)

"YOU SORCERER! You know you're not allowed to curse kids!" My brother yelled at her. Ms Janor explained her position and Kelo yelled at her "That doesn't matter! You know the law would defend us!" By this time we heard sirens. "Stop and desist" An officer yelled running towards us. "Ms Morbidda Janor you are under arrest." "WHAT! I WAS DEFENDING MY PROPERTY!" Ms. Janor screeched. "Yes you were defending your property from the dog. However cursing a child is serious business and even if a child trespasses on your lawn you are not allowed to curse them" the officer said cuffing her. She grumbled as the officer led her away. 'I swear Mako I will get my revenge on you one day" she muttered being led into the police car. Then Kelo finally noticed that I was  starting to grow horns. "MOM! GET THE CAR" he yelled picking me up and running to the car. He put me in the backseat and jumped in beside me.

When we finally got to the hospital I had already grown horns and there was a tail starting to grow as well. The doctor looked at me and said "Cursed by black magic then?" "Yeah he got on the bad side of our next door neighbour." "Very well. He'll need surgery right away then." Six hours later the Dr finally came out of the OR looking grave. "Well  there's good and bad news. Which one do you want first?" "The Bad news" my Mom said "Always end on a positive note." "Very well then. So basically what happened is your son was hit by a demon curse. This means that Ms. Janor cursed your son to turn into a demon. The good news is we were able to reverse the effects so that he doesn't turn into a demon." "The bad news?" Kelo asked. "The bad news is that a demon's blood is black and not red. Unfortunately it is currently not possible to change the blood back. The problem is that since Mako is a human his blood is basically poisoned. I would give him no more than six years to live." Well there you go you now know what is wrong with me.

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