The Journey starts

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"What do you mean Mako?" Mom asked me furrowing her eyebrows. "I mean if there's no way I'm going to survive to graduate grade eight what's the point of continuing school?" My parents looked at me and saw I was serious. I had been taking homeschooling classes because of the seizures for the past year as they embarrassed me and I didn't want to scare the kids at school. Yeah I wasn't popular so it didn't really matter but now that I know I won't even graduate I just felt like there's no point. "Mako you have to finish school its the law" my Dad told me. "I can't just drop out?" "No son. Not til you're sixteen." "Dang it! SO I have to do school even though it's pointless?" "Well technically yes but we could just have me as your teacher." "What do you mean DAD?" "Well I'm technically on vacation for the next six months so I can teach you." "That would be great!" Mom smiled at me. "Tell you what. I agree there's not much point but since our laws won't allow you to quit school you can choose the topic you actually learn." I knew immediately what I wanted. "World Geography!" "Very well."

The next morning Mom got an email from Dr. Hollow. "Good morning Mrs. Mion. I have some information that I think you would find very interesting.  There is an organisation that I'm connected with called Wishing Spells. This is an organisation that makes wishes for terminally ill children come true. They operate all over the world and their motto is "if you can wish it we can do it". I think they'd be willing to grant a wish for Mako. Sincerely yours Dr. Hollow." Mom read the email and thought that that would be a great idea. I mean there was nothing else to do really since Dad was off work and Mom didn't work because she had to take care of me.  After taking Freckles for her morning walk (which Mom usually does) I returned home to do a project that Dad had assigned me the previous night. It was to pick a  country in the world you have never been to and research it. Basically I needed the capital the population its main imports and exports and famous tourists spots. I picked Fro since i had always wanted to go there and visit the Saint Froburg palace where the Fro Royals used to live. Then Mom interrupted me and Dad to have lunch. Over lunch Mom broached the subject that Dr. Hollow had sent. "Hey Mako I got an email from Dr. Hollow this morning." "Yeah what about?" "He said that there an organisation that helps kids who are dying have one last wish." "That sounds cool. Would I be able to get a wish?" "Yes you would be able to. Wishing spells which is the organisation that grants the wishes provides the funds and will allow you to have any wish you want." "Well there is something I've always wanted to do." "Oh?" My dad asked "What's that?" I looked at Dad meaningfully. "I want to explore all five continents." "What do you mean?" my Mom asked. "We live in Noam. I've always wanted to explore the other four continents." For those who don't know the other four continents are Moa Jin KAD and FRO. Mom looked at me sceptically. "Are you sure dear? I mean you do know that each of the other continents have different weather right? I mean Jin and Fro especially where it rains (Jin) and is cold all year round (Fro) would be really bad for your weak immune system." "That's why I want to do those two continents first while my immune system is stronger than it will be towards the end." Mom looked me in the eye and knew I was determined to do this. "Okay but what about me?" my brother Kelo chimed in. "What do you mean?" my dad said. "Well if Mako is going to go on a year long vacation to the other continents I want to go too!" "Don't you have school though bro?" I told him. My Mom got that look on her face when she gets an idea. "I know we can have Kelo do home school for a year." With that we agreed and made the arrangements with Dr Hollow. 

About a month later in July we were finally able to go. Mom had told Kelo's school what he was going to do for the next year and why. The principal was surprised but understanding. The day we were getting ready to leave was a stormy one. Mom looked up at the sky worriedly as Dad packed the van. "You sure he can handle the weather dear?" "Honey we've already made all the reservations so we're doing this. He'll be fine. Besides he even promised to wear his mask whenever in public so I don't know what else you want me to do." I came down with Kelo and our bags. "Mom would you please stop worrying about me?" I asked her. "I had a physical exam yesterday and Dr. Hollow himself said with that black stuff starting to spread up my legs its better to go to the continents that are cold and rainy now before my immune system is too weak and therefore would kill me if I went there in the winter or towards the end of my last year." My Mom sighed and smiled at me. "It is a Mother's job to worry about her children Mako. Now get in the van and lets go." We got in the van and drove to the airport. Our plane was supposed to take off around nine pm so we left around six. When we arrived at the airport a representative from the wish foundation was waiting for us. 

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