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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M DYING" I yelled at Kelo. "Just that. Your blood is still demon blood which is slowly poisoning your body." I burst into tears at that announcement. "Oh baby come here" my Mom said hugging me close. "I don't want to die though Mom!" My Mom looked down at me sorrowfully. "I know dear but there's nothing we can do. Unfortunately there's no way to a) slow the progress or b) stop the progress." We continued talking and I realised just how bad it was going to get. To give you the short version I was going to turn an ashen black (My skin that is) I would lose my ability to walk (despite no muscle loss) my sight or hearing and eventually my immune system would become comprised and I would die. According to Doc this would take anywhere from one to three years.  Then Doc looked at me peculiarly. "Do you have something to say Mako? Perhaps about your feet." I looked at him and then realised that it wasn't fair to keep the fact that my toes had already started turning black. "I have something to tell you guys too." Mom looked at me with shock and surprise. "What is it dear? What do you want to tell us?" 

"It's just.. My feet are already turning black." "What do you mean Mako?" my dad asked. I pulled my shoes and socks off to show them my feet. It was clear that my toes had started to turn black as my parents and brother looked at me shocked. "I see" Dr Hollow said "So its already started? When did you notice the change?" "Just this morning doc." "Have you been having any other symptoms?" "Just light headed but that's it." "Mako why didn't you tell us?" Mom asked me. "You already have enough to worry about with the house and family to take care of. I didn't even KNOW THAT THIS WAS A SIGN THAT I WAS DYING! YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME!" At this point everything hit me at once and I just broke. My Dad eventually had to pick my curled body up and carry me out. It all seemed so odd. One minute I was fine living my life the next I find out that I was dying. Damn how fast our lives can change eh? 

I don't remember how but somehow I ended up in my bed. I was pretty sure Dad or Mom must have put me there and that I had fallen asleep after breaking down. I guessed this as I was in my bed with the blanket and sheets around me. My bear Mr. Tie was tucked under my arm (yes I sleep with a stuffie deal with it!) and I was in my PJs. I looked at my alarm clock and it said 5 pm. 'Dang' I thought to myself 'I must've really worn myself out.' KNOCK KNOCK "Mako are awake?" My Mom was at my bedroom door. "Yeah I'm awake. Come in." My Mom entered the room a cautious look on her face. "I'm sorry dear. I should've told you the truth years ago." I looked at her with tears in my eyes. "Why Mommy? Why?" "Well everyone dies dear. Unfortunately your time will just come sooner than mine." "No not that. Why did you lie to me?" "I never lied to you! Yes I hide the truth but I never lied." She put up her hand when I went to interrupt. "I guess I was afraid if I told you the truth you'd have horrible nightmares about dying. Plus if I'm being honest I was trying to protect myself too. It was as if we didn't acknowledge it then it wouldn't happen." "But now it is" I said matter-of-factually. "Yes now it is" Mom said sadly. She approached my bed and suddenly I forgave her. I jumped up and ran to her giving her a hug. "Well this is a surprise. Does this mean I'm forgiven?" I nodded into her tummy. "Okay well I came down here to see if you wanted to eat. You slept right through lunch you know." "Okay" I said "What are we having?" "Salad and chicken" Mom said. I winced at the announcement Mom laughing. "Just kidding. How about some Spaghetti and garlic bread?" "YES!!!!!!" I shouted. Spaghetti is my favourite food. Even better if there's meatballs. "Okay dinner should be ready in about a half hour." Mom left at that moment and I started reading for school. My class at school was currently reading  We can be Heroes by Dj Donovan and it was pretty good. It was about two brothers who discover that they have super powers. The older brother is fast and has telekinesis powers while the younger brother had Super strength and can fly. Anyway I read the chapters we were supposed to read (and forcing myself to stop as our teacher didn't want us reading ahead) and put the book down. 

"Mako dinner!" I went upstairs climbing the stairs into the kitchen from my basement bedroom. "Mako dear wash your hands please."  I went back to the bathroom and washed. After we were all seated at the table Dad asked Kelo to say grace. "Grace" Kelo answered smiling. "Kelo I meant for you to say the prayer" Dad said rolling his eyes. "No problem Dad. Dear Arcan bless this food and the hands that prepared it amen." Arcan was the god of us. He controls everything and when we die our ato (like a soul) goes to him and he decides whether we can join him or be reincarnated into the world once more. In fact there are special people called Mois who are special enlightened people who Arcan determines that while they are good enough to join him in STARLI are chosen to remain on Earth to spend the message. Often these people have special powers such as healing and telling people fortunes. Anyway we ate dinner then I went downstairs and watched TV.  Kelo was downstairs with me and we were watching our favourite show Walk the stars which is about wizards who travel the cosmos. This is something I've always wanted to do but here in Caleon I probably won't as most wizards who travel the cosmos are very rich and Caleon is middle class to poor. It was a good thing I wasn't alone too because I ended up having a seizure. Thankfully it was just an absence seizure so I came to fairly quickly. Kelo noticed it when he saw I had a blank look on my face. "Hey Mako can you hear me?" Kelo went in front of me and waved his hand in front of my face. "Hello? Mako are you there? Earth to Mako?" Then I came to. "Dude are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine. why?" "You spaced out there for a sec man." I shrugged thinking it was nothing. Then I fell back and had a full on seizure. 

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