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It was a slow day at the coffee shop Bakugou worked at, only having about three people come in every hour. It was mind-numbingly boring or at least that's what Bakugou thought. He had been sipping on his flat white coffee for at least 20 minutes now.

"Fuck." He said out loud, wiping the counter down for the third time that hour.

The bell on the door rang signifying the arrival of a new customer. 

"Hey, welcome to-" He started, but got cut off by the woman. 

"Iced Carmel Machiatto please." She said not looking up from her phone.

"Okay, that'll be about 3.45, is that okay?" Bakugou asked politely, even though Uraraka was testing his patience. 

"Yeah, that's fine." She said, payed, and then sat down at one of the couple of tables they have in the small building.

The bell again as Bakugou was mixing the girls drink, so he sat the drink aside, since it only needed carmel to be done. 

Once he was in back at the register, he met eyes with a redhead boy who he had never seen before. 

"Hey, welcome to Ground Zero Coffee, what do ya want?"

"Oh, man. Umm what do recommend?" The redhead asked, seemingly nervous.

"Strong coffee or are you just kinda wanting the taste?" Bakugou asked a little annoyed, wanting to finish Uruaka's drink before the ice melted too much. 

"Between you and me, I don't like coffee-" The man said causing Bakugou to scoff.

"No wait before you judge me, I came here for a hot chocolate, but since she's here," The boy stopped gesturing to Uraraka, who was on her phone still, "Do you think you could call out a random coffee drink so I sound at least a little manly?" 

"Okay, what the fuck Red?" Bakugou said a little louder then he meant too.

"Please? I'll tip extra." 

Damn, that was tempting. A poor college kid pretty far debt, anything could help. Even if it meant doing this weird shit for a random redhead.

"Fine, one Americano coming up, but I'm gonna need your name."

"Oh, I'm Kirishima!" He said smiling brightly. 

"A shitty name for equally shitty hair, huh?" Bakugou said under his breath, going to the back to finish the drinks.

Uknowingly to Bakugou though, Kirishima had heard him, and decided that right then and there, he was going to befriend the hotheaded hot blonde. Kiri decided to sit at a table and wait for his hot chocolate. 

Wait, the blonde didn't ask him to pay before he went to make the drink. Kiri didn't think too much of it, but Uruaka who had been listening the whole time knew something was off. 

"Uraraka, your drinks ready!" Bakugou yelled. 

"Okay, okay there's only two of us here calm your tits Bakugou!" She said playfully. The young girl knew Bakugou from high school, and they had stayed good friends since. 

"Hey Baku, who's that?" Uraraka whispered once she was at the counter. 

"I don't really know, but his names Kirishima." He responded, confusion in his voice. "Why does it matter?"

"Cause it seems he's got you off your game!" She responded laughing.

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN PINK CHEEKS?" Bakugou said, rage mode fully activated.

"Calm down, calm down. You didn't charge him." Uraraka says failing to hold in her giggles.

Bakugou's expression fell from angry to utter shock. Bakugou was the best at what he did (excluding customer service), and this redhead had managed to make him make his first mistake in years. 

A small timer went off, signifying Kirishima's drink was done, so Bakugou went to grab it. 

"Kirishima your Americano is done!" Bakugou yelled. 

He went up to get his drink, while Uraraka left the store to take a phone call.

"Oh, shitty hair, you owe me 1.50 plus the tip I was promised." Bakugou said with a grouchy look on his face.

"Here ya go!" Kiri said handing Bakugou a 20 dollar bill. "Thanks for keeping my secret man." 

Bakugou watched him walk out with a slight smile on his face, although he would never admit it to anyone. 

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