𝕊𝕡𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕖𝕒

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The coffee shop was surprisingly busy for a Monday afternoon. Uraraka was back, drinking her carmel coffee and waiting to see if the red-haired boy would show up. Judging by the way Bakugou kept glancing towards the door, he should show up any time now.

Uraraka had known Bakugou for a long time, not as long as her good friend Midoriya, but well enough to know when he had taken an interest in a person. And Bakugou had taken an interest in this boy.

The bell rang, causing both Uraraka and Bakugou to look up. Kirishima walked into the shop, unaware of the brunette's focus on him, mainly worried about talking to Bakugou with the crowd.

"Hey, Kiri, the usual?" Bakugou asked a small glint in his eyes.

"Yeah, can I have it hot this time?" Kiri asked smiling brightly.

"Yep, it'll be 1.75." 

Kiri overpaid like he always did, something Uraraka also took note of. It wasn't that she was stalking the poor boy, no, she was merely seeing why Bakugou had taken a sudden liking to him.

Uraraka walked up to the counter and waited for Bakugou to get back. 

"Whaddya want Pink Cheeks?" 

"I can't just come to talk to you?" She asked innocently, although Bakugou knew otherwise.

"No, you can't. You want to know about Kirishima, right?" Bakugou had guessed it by the way she was staring so intently at him when he walked in.

"So that's his name, and duh, spill!" She exclaimed clapping her hands. Kirishima looked at the small commotion made by the girl in confusion.

"Shut up, he's looking over here. After work, got it?" 

"Yes! I'll be here!" 

Kirishima's drink timer sounded and Bakugou had to go and get it, leaving Uraraka to her own devices.

"Hey, excuse me, I just need to grab my drink," Kirishima said, snapping Uraraka out of her thoughts. 

"Oh yeah, of course. I'm Ochaco Uraraka!" She said, holding out her hand for him to shake.

"Eijiro Kirishima, it's a pleasure to meet you." Kiri sreponding politely shaking her hand.

"Do you wanna sit down with me?" Uraraka asked, gesturing to her table.

"I'd like too, but I've gotta meet up with an old friend later, maybe next time?" 

"Of course, I'll see you then Kirishima!" Uraraka said, making eye contact with Bakugou, who had been watching the whole conversation.

Kirishima took his leave, smiling at Bakugou before he left. 

Uraraka would have never guessed that a redheaded stranger could cause Bakugou to blush, but of course she also wouldn't have gotten the picture of Bakugou blushing if not for him. 

"Oh, I'm so dead when he finds out I have this," She said to herself laughing, and waiting for the rest of Bakugou's shift to be done so they could talk.

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