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Bakugou walked through the campus at UA College, trying to find the general studies door. He hadn't been behind in a while, but he had forgotten an assignment and was required to stay after. He was a bit pissed at himself, especially now that he would be late for work. 

One of his classmates, Denki, was there when he opened the door. Although they had different majors, the two friends often found time to see each other. 

"Hey, Bakuhoe, whatcha doing here?" Denki asked smiling goofily.

"I missed an assignment, Dunceface, and don't call me that." 

"Whatever, can you read this paragraph and tell me what it makes you feel?" Denki then shoved his computer screen towards Bakugou, so he couldn't say no.

"Heartache, it makes me feel bad for the student." Bakugou said after reading the short story on teenage depression.

"That's perfect. Also who knew the great Bakugou had feelings!" 

"Oi, shut up." 

"Whatever you say Bakubro, now all I have to do is send it to Kiri." Denki then opened up an email and started typing.

"Wait, who?" Bakugou said pausing his own work for a moment.

"Oh, Kirishima, he's a close friend who finally moved back here."

"Does he like hot chocolate?" Bakugou asked, a strange feeling bubbling in his chest.

"Uh, not that I know of. He thinks it's not manly," Denki responded confusion falling over his features. "Why do you know him?" 

"I think he came in the coffee shop once or twice." Bakugou's heart was racing a little from the thought of seeing the cute boy without having to be at work, but he would never admit that the redhead had caught his attention.

"That would make sense, he goes on runs in the mornings. Speaking of the coffee shop, the bakusquad is meeting there after school, and you should join us." Denki said laughing a little.

"You haven't called it the bakusquad since high school Denki," Bakugou said turning in the assignment. "But whatever, just don't annoy me at work." 

"Okay, we won't! Now, c'mon I think Mina is already there." Denki walked out the door quickly, excited to see the squad again.

Bakugou followed, but all he could think about was a certain redheaded boy. 

Once at the shop, Bakugo put on his apron and made himself a latte with no art or anything on top.

"Bakugou, can we get our usual?" Mina asked as the others nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Sero's gonna have to settle for a blueberry muffin though, cause we're out of chocolate chip." Bakugou yelled back at her, and she just sat down again.

Once everyone got there drinks, they sat at the counter talking to Bakugou. 

"So Mina how's the dance classes going?" Sero asks smiling and taking a bite of his muffin.

"Oh it's so good. The kids I'm teaching are so talented. How about you with your latin American studies?" She responded sipping her coffee.

"Oh it's great, Denki's helping me get ready to start a webpage." 

"Yeah, my English grades are still great," Denki then gets a message on his phone.

"Ooooooo is that loverboy?" Mina asks jokingly causing him to go red.

"No, no, it's an old friend of mine. He wants to meet up later," Denki says once he recovers from being flustered.

"Wait is it Kirishima?" Bakugou asks suddenly surprising everyone.

"Ooooooo what's with the sudden interest?" Sero says laughing.

"Oi shut up." 

"Whatever you say, Bakuhoe." 

"Yeah it's Kiri, imma invite him here," Denki says giggling at Sero being a dumbass.

"Wait is this the Kirishima that's supposed to be like a great track star and got into UA recently on a scholarship?" Mina asks fangirling a little.

"Yeah, invite him, I wanna meet him." Sero says smiling.

"Bakugou's already met him," Denki responded laughing.

"WAIT SPILL THE TEA," Mina says choking on her drink a little.

"WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?" Bakugou asked angrily, being intreupted by the bell on the door ringing.

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