𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕦𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕤?

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Shit, shit, shit! He saw me! Kiri thought as he rushed out of the gym. 

There's no way that hiding from your crush is manly, but Kiri could care less.

He took three deep breaths, and walked back in, only to see Bakugou taking off his shirt.

"Thank whatever god is on my side for that tank top or I might have just died," Kirishima mumbled, still taking in the wonderful sight.

"Oi, Shitty Hair, whatcha looking at?" Bakugou yelled, causing Kirishima to flush red.

When Kiri didn't respond, Bakugou walked towards him, which made Kiri take steps back, until his back hit a wall. 

"What were you doing talking to that Shitty Deku?" Bakugou asked, the same feeling that he had when Mina was flirting with him bubbling in his chest.

"D-Deku?" Kirishima asked, cursing himself for stuttering. But, it's not everyday a hot guy backs you into a wall.

"Yes, Deku. The dumbass you were talking too earlier, who asked you on a date." Bakugou said, his eyes firey with an emotion Kirishima hadn't seen in the blonde yet.

"Oh, Midoriya! We were just talking, and he didn't ask me on a date. Reminds me of someone I know actually." Kiri said, pushing past Bakugou.

"Oh, c'mon Shitty Hair, you know I wasn't going to ask you anyways!" Bakugou responded, following Kirishima towards the weights.

"Okay, whatever Bakugou, just leave, I don't want to see you right now." Kiri never yelled at anyone, but somehow, his hard tone made Bakugou feel even worse.

He left the gym, barely making it through his day classes before going to work.

As he put on his uniform, he couldn't stop thinking about a certain redhead.

"Fuck!" Bakugou yelled out, throwing his cup of coffee before stepping out to work.

Everytime the door rang, a sense of hope stirred in Katsuki, but everytime it wasn't Kirishima.

This time, it was Denki.

"Hey, Bakubro! What's that look for?" 

"Shut the hell up, Dunceface! What look?" He asked trying to remain calm, because he was at work, after all.

"I don't know, your whole vibe right now is just kinda 'I might be dying, but it's fine, I just need coffee.'" Denki said doing fake quotations with his hands in the air.

"SHUT UP!" Bakugou finally exploded.

"Hey, man, calm down. What's going on?" 

"Nothing, Dunceface. Two sugars?" He asked making his usual order.

"Can I have three this time?"

"Whatever, Dunceface."

Once, Denki got his coffee, he sat at the table closest to the counter, and started his work.

Not even five minutes later, he was interrupted by a phone call from his shark-toothed friend.

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