𝕍𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕒 ℂ𝕒𝕜𝕖 ℙ𝕠𝕡

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"What's his deal with you anyway?" Kiri asked Midoriya as they approached Ground Zero Coffee. 

"We were childhood friends turned academic rivals," Midoriya said dismissively. 

"Oh. Okay. So what exactly did you wanna know?" 

"I just need some basic information, like what it's like getting in on a scholarship, how often you work out, times and dates for the next races, things like that." 

"I can do that. Hey Katsuki!" Kiri said smiling brightly as he opened the door of the coffee shop. 

"Hey, I thought you were talking to-" He seems to finally notice the boy beside his energetic boyfriend. "Oh. What'll it be baby?" 

"Umm the usual, but can I have extra whipped cream and it hot?" He responded quickly. 

"Anything for you. Oh, and what about you shitty Deku?" 

"Can I just have a small latte macchiato and a vanilla cake pop?" Midoriya asked politely. 

"That rounds out to about 4.25, and Kiri's is free," Bakugou responded gruffly. 

"Hey wait I can pay-" Kiri starts before Bakugou shushes him.

Midoriya paid for his stuff and Kiri left a 10 dollar bill in the tip jar. 

They two picked a table near the window and sat down to get started. 

"So when are the next races?" The greenette asked grabbing his notebook. 

"Two weeks from this Friday. I've got practice every day next week." Kiri responds taking a sip of his drink. 

"Could I maybe come and get pictures of you guys at some point? It's for the newspaper and would be strictly professional." 

"Yeah, of course, man." 

"Okay. So what college did you go to before transferring to UA?" 

"Oh, I went to Shiketsu Academy." 

Midoriya was writing down everything Kiri was saying not missing a word. 

After the interview was done, they exchanged numbers to keep in touch. 

"Hey baby, I'm done. When does your shift end?" 

"I've got an hour left," Bakugou responded sighing. 

"Oh, well I should go on a run anyways, I'll meet you at your apartment after?" 

"Of course babe. I'll see you then." 

The next hour was the longest Bakugou had ever had to wait. 

He walked to his apartment, a bag in hand with Kiri's favorite cake pop. 

Once he opened the door though, the cake pop was long forgotten. 

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