Part 17

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You: I am going to bed. I have had a long day. Goodnight and love you fake boyfriend. Ryan: Goodnight and I love you too fake girlfriend. *you both laugh* You eventually drift off to sleep. You awake to someone gently knocking on your door. Mom: Sweety can I come in? You: Yeah I'm awake. Your mom walks into your room and sits on your bed. Mom: Don't worry you don't need to tell me. I was kind of eavesdropping last night I heard everything. You: Oh. Mom: Just be careful. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt again. You: I won't. Mom: You have a visitor. You: Who is it? Mom: You just are going to have to see for yourself. All of a sudden someone comes walking into your bedroom. You: Andrew is that you? Mom: I will leave you two to talk. Andrew: The one and only. You: I'm not trying to be rude. But what are you doing here? In your mind you couldn't believe how much Andrew had grown up. He was much taller, and you couldn't believe he had abs now. You were literally gawking at him. Andrew: I just really needed to talk to you. You: About what? You haven't talked or seen me in a year. You flew all the way from Los Angeles to Atlanta just to talk? Andrew sat down next to you down on your bed. Andrew: I think it was a big mistake that we broke up. You; Andrew listen to yourself. We broke up a year ago. We are completely two different people now. When I told you I was moving away. I wanted to stay together, and try the long distance relationship. But you just said you didn't want to try and work it out. I was in deeply in love with you Andrew. We had dated for two years, since we were 13. Tears start swelling up in your eyes. Until now, you hadn't realized how much you actually had missed Andrew. Andrew: I think the biggest mistake of my life was letting you go. Your right and I am sorry. I should have wanted to try the long distance relationship. I know that I am in still in love with you. As soon as I heard you were coming back to LA for the rest of the summer. My insides were literally jumping up and down. But when I heard you wouldn't be coming for another week, I couldn't wait that long to see you. I needed to see you right away, and tell you how I feel. Do you feel the same way? You: I don't know. We have been away from each other for so long. I haven't been waiting around for you, I have changed so much as a person. I just got out of a really bad relationship. Andrew: All I am asking for you is just to give me a chance. When you come back to California we have the rest of the summer to try at this. All I want to know is that if you want to give another go at this relationship. Tears are streaming down your face. Andrew wipes the tears from your face with his finger, and holds your chin with in his hands. He is looking into your eyes so deeply. Andrew: *whispers* Just one kiss. If you don't feel anything then I will leave. But if you feel the sparks that I still do, maybe we still can give this relationship another chance. You don't even think about it. You lean into kiss Andrew. He presses his lips against yours. The fireworks go if in your head. You pull away. You: Wow... did you feel that. Andrew: I still can't believe I let you go. You: Andrew you are right, I still do feel this amazing connection with you. But you need to give me some time to try and sort everything out in my life. Andrew: Of course. You: I still have another week until I go back to California. I am going to that time to think what is best for both of us. Andrew: I understand. I will be waiting for your answer. You: How long are you staying in Atlanta for? Andrew: My plane leaves tomorrow morning. You: That's awesome. We have the rest of the day together. Do you want go sight seeing? There is so much to do in Atlanta. Andrew: That would be great! You: Can I just ask you for one more favor Andrew: What is it babe? Your heart melted inside when Andrew called you babe. You were starting to fall for Andrew all over again. You: Kiss me. Andrew: Of course. He presses his soft lips against yours. Andrew was a really good kisser, his lips were so soft and loose. You always loved kissing him. He always seemed to make every kiss so sweet. You: I could kiss you a hundred times and it would never get old. Andrew lets out a soft laugh. You: Well I know that I said I would tell you if I still wanted to get back together with you when I got in California. But I really think there is no need to wait. I want to be with you Andrew. I loved you and have always loved you. This time when you said I love you too Andrew it felt so right. You knew that you were truly in love with this guy. Andrew gently picks up, and twirls you around. Andrew: I am so glad you said that. I love you too and always have. Ever since we were five. I remember the exact moment I met you. I was on the floor building a Legos and you accidentally knocked over my tower. You: *You laugh* I was very clumsy back then. I remember I thought you had cooties. Andrew: *laughs* Your my cutie. You: Aww. Andrew pulls you into a deep hug and kisses you on the forehead. All of a sudden your phone starts ringing. You: I better take that. You look at your phone and Ryan was calling. You had totally forgot about Justin. That was one of the big reasons why you loved being with Andrew he always made all of your problems seem like that they had disappeared into thin air. You: This is kind of a private call. Can you just give me like on sec? Andrew: Anything for my love. *You laugh* Andrew leaves your room and shuts the door on his way out. You finally answer the phone. You: What Ryan? Ryan: Someone seems a bit cranky. I hope your ready for the dinner tonight. Plan make Justin jealous is in action. You: Ryan I have to tell you something. I am not going along with this plan anymore. I am tired of always being the one to try and work the relationship out. Justin doesn't want me, he wants Mandy. That's why for no reason he left me for her. Anyways, Andrew came by here this morning we got back together. Ryan: What?! Wow a lot can happen in one morning. Haylie you're making a big mistake. You: No I am not. If Justin really wanted to be with me he would be. But he's not. Ryan: Justin is really confused right now. That bitch Mandy keeps putting lies into his head. You: Thank you so much Ryan for all help and support you have given me. But me and Justin aren't meant to be together.

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