Part 29

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You were both legally adults now. Why not celebrate that too? haha. You and David walked into a Chinese restaurant. You took a seat in a booth next to the window. You were meeting Ryan an Allison there to celebrate them graduating. After ten minutes of waiting Allison and Ryan arrived. Typical Allison, she was always late, she hadn't changed one bit. You: Always late. Typical Allison. Allison: It's nice to see you too! You gave Allison a quick hug. You: I have missed you so much! It's been to long! Allison: I know! You: Ryan it's so nice to see you again! Ryan: You too. So how have you been? You: Good. What about you? Ryan: Same. You: Oh I would like you both to meet my boyfriend David. Well Allison you already met David. *you laughed* David: It's nice to see you again Allison. It's nice to meet you Ryan. David gave Ryan a simple, quick handshake. For a while, you all just chatted and catched up, and talk about old times. It was so nice to have your two best friends again. When you were gone for two years you only talked to Allison, not Ryan. You couldn't bear to talk to Ryan, he reminded you of Justin too much. You felt really bad about that, but you knew Ryan would understand. You: I will be right back. I have to go to the bathroom. You quickly skit to the bathroom. You didn't really have to go to the bathroom. You just wanted to fix your make-up. You knew it got smeared, when you were crying tears of joy at the graduation when Allison got her diploma. You remove your eye-liner from your face, and redo it. You hear your phone beep, you must have gotten a new text message. You: That is weird. You had just gotten a text from an unknown number. You usually never open text messages from unknown numbers. But this time you did for some unapparent reason. You open the text, your jaw literally dropped as you read it. Text: hey Haylie. it's Justin Bieber. i got your number from Ryan. i was shocked when I saw u at the graduation ceremony today. sorry I didn't get a chance to say hi. i haven't seen you in a really long time. what has it already been 2 years already? i would really like to catch up with you, and see how you have been. idk if you want to see me. but umm.. if you do want to talk, meet me at starbucks in like 10 minutes. -justin *text ends* You instantly drop your phone on the ground in shock. Why did Justin want to catch up? It wasn't like you guys were buddys who hadn't seen one another in a while. He was the ex love of your life, and the reason why you left Atlanta in the first place. You weren't going to let Justin get to your head. He didn't deserve to talk to you after what he did two years ago. But truly, you were dying on the inside to go see him. But you couldn't do that to David, Justin already screwed up a relationship of yours. He wasn't going to do it again. You quickly let the thought slip your mind, and leave the bathroom. You take a seat at the booth, and try to act normal. All of a sudden David stands up. You look at him confused, not knowing what he is doing. David: May I have everyone's attention? I have a very important announcement. Everyone in the restaurant instantaneously stops what their doing, and cocks there heads in your direction. You whisper to David: What are you doing? *only he can hear you* You wondered why David needed the attention of a bunch of strangers in a restaurant. David: Haylie I have something very important to ask you. The past year an a half I have spent with you is probably the most amazing time in my whole life. The first time I saw you I knew you were the one for me. You are the most amazing girl in my eyes. I will love you everyday, and cherish every moment I spend with you. This is why I am asking you this today. With the approval of your parents Haylie Smith will you marry me? David gets on one knee and pulls a black box from his back pocket. He opens the box reviling a elegant diamond ring. You were almost literally frozen in time. You couldn't find the right words to come out of your mouth. You just gawked at the ring it was gigantic! It must have been at least 3k. Right now you were overwhelmed with confusion! As the seconds went by, with no answer from you things became to get tense. You could see the desperation for an answer in David's eyes. You didn't know why you are hesitating to answer him. Why couldn't you just say yes instantly? You loved this guy, you truly loved him. You: I'm so sorry. You stuttered quickly. Tears started swelling up in your eyes, and you just burst out of the restaurant. You never looked back. You knew that the decision you had just made, would bring severe consequences. But you didn't care, you would deal with that later. Right now you just needed to talk to Justin, and get some answers.

Justin Bieber: Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now