Part 27

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You could kind of make Justin jealous when he saw David who was absolutely gorgeous. But you knew deep down that you and Justin would never be happily ever after, or even get together ever again. Story Begins: You were on the plane to Atlanta. You were dreading the moment you stepped out of the plane. You hadn't been to Atlanta in two years. You just sighed and just tried to relax. David was coming to Atlanta with you. You wanted him to meet your old friends. You actually just used that as an excuse for him to come. The main reason you wanted him to come because when you were with David, he made you feel like you were invincible. David instantaneously woke up to the sound of you sighing. David: What is wrong babe? You: Nothing just thinking of some old memories. David: Do you want to talk about it? You: Not really. David: Alright then. He gave you a sweet kiss on the forehead. That was one of things you loved best about David. When you didn't want to bring something up, David didn't mention it. But when you really needed to talk about something, David was always right there. You: I love you. David: I love you too babe. How did I get so lucky to have a girl like you? You: I guess it just happened. You nestled your head on David's shoulder, and wrapped your arms around his body. You heard on the intercom: The plane is landing. Please unfasten your seatbelts and get any items that you may be carrying. You: You ready? David: Only if you are. You squeezed David's hand and got off the plane. You felt like you were going to be sick. Even the air smelt like Atlanta, you looked around your surroundings. Everything reminded you of Justin. You didn't know why this was happening to you. You hadn't seen Justin in two years. And now all of a sudden you can't get him out of your mind. All of the memories started flooding back to you of the last moments you had spent with Justin. You felt like you were ready to faint, but you didn't. David: You okay? You: I just feel a little sick. I will be fine. David: Haylie don't lie to me. Are you sure you will be ok? The graduation ceremony starts in a hour. You: I'm fine. You worry too much. David: That is what boyfriends are for. You give David a quick peck on the lips. As you pulled away from the kiss you got a glimpse of your parents waiting for you. You sprint right in their direction, you jump right into your mom's arms. You had missed her so much, you hadn't seen her in months. David was trying to catch up, he was carrying all of the luggage, such a gentleman. Mom: Sweety I have missed you so much! You get out of your moms firm grip and give your dad a deep hug. Dad: You have grown up so much! I have missed you so much it's seemed like forever. Since the last time we saw you. You: Aww I missed you guys too! David finally catches up to you. David: It's nice to you see you again Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mom: It is nice to see you to again David. Call me Angela. Dad: We have to hurry up the graduation ceremony has already started. You: I am so excited to see Allison I haven't seen her in months! I can't believe she is graduating. Mom: I know everybody is growing up so much. I still can't believe you graduated a year early. Dad: Alright enough chit-chat lets get to the ceremony. We are already late. Your dad takes some of your luggage, and you all hurry to the car. You and David sit in the backseat. You felt like you are 14-year again with your parents driving you to your dates. The whole car you just basically just chatted about how you were, and life in California. After you were done telling your parents everything, the car went silent for a few minutes. Not really awkward silence, just comfortable silence. For some reason, you begin to think about what your life would be like if you never stayed in California, and only went there for the summer. Would you and Justin have gotten back together? Would you both have been happily dating for the past two years? All of those questions floated around in your head. You knew deep down inside you weren't over Justin, and would never be. It had been two years. How long would it take to be completely over him? Would you ever be completely over him? You really needed to stop thinking about Justin and that everything would be a fairy tale. It would never be, Justin is probably over you and it has been that way for a long time. You needed just to stop thinking about Justin! You hadn't seen him or talked to him in two years! You two were probably two different people now. You needed to focus on the positive things. Like that you had an amazing boyfriend, who truly loved you, and would never hurt you. Also that you had amazing family, and that in a few months would be attending college starting your future with David.

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