Part 19

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Justin: I am not going to lose her again. Ryan: What are you going to do? Justin: I don't know yet. But it has to be good. Ryan: I will help you get her back. But you have to promise me that you won't ever do something like that to her again! Justin: I promise. I have the perfect idea! Ryan: What is it? Justin: You know Haylie won't talk to me. But she will talk to you. Ryan: Get to the point. Justin: Well you could call her and say that you wanted to say goodbye to her in person before she leaves. Tell her to come to dinner or whatever just get her there, and I will do the rest. Ryan: I don't know about this. I feel like I will be betraying Haylie. Justin: Your not! She will be happy with you in the long run. Ryan: Alright fine. But if she gets mad at me I am telling her it's your fault. Justin: Fine. Ryan: I will call her right now. Justin: Thanks so much man. Ryan: No problem. *Back to you* You: Andrew you can come back in here. Andrew trots back into your bedroom. Andrew: What was that about babe? You: I had just to take care of some unfinished business. But everything is taken care of now. Andrew: Should I be worried? You: No. But I have some great news! I am leaving tomorrow for California instead of next week! Andrew: That's awesome! Andrew gently grasped both of his hands around your waist. Andrew kissed you harshly, while you stayed frozen in his grasp. You had just then realized that the fireworks that went off in your head when Andrew kissed you weren't fireworks. They were the memories of Justin kissing you. It had just came to your conclusion that there aren't sparks between you and Andrew anymore. The only reason you were with Andrew was because he was the only person that could make you forget about Justin for a couple of seconds of the day. Ease some of the pain that rushed through every single vein in your body; every second of everyday day. Andrew knew deep down inside of him that you and him weren't meant to be. But he loved the feeling of saying that you were his again. Andrew was good looking, plenty of girls hit on him at school. He wanted to be with his first love, even though he knew that it wasn't meant to be. He wanted the kiss to be real, but you couldn't join along in this fantasy anymore. Andrew wrapped both arms around you hoping that within time, you'd come around and feel the same way. But you weren't buying it, all you could think of was the last precious moments you and Justin had spent together. You had pulled away from that meaningless kiss. You: I can't do this anymore. I am so sorry Andrew. But I'm not in love with you anymore. I think you really should go. Andrew left knowing that this day would come sooner or later. You crouched down on your floor; you couldn't bear the pain anymore. You grasped your phone, knowing that you would regret this later. At this point you didn't care about anything. You needed Justin even if it was just as a friend. You just needed for him to be in your life again. You slowly text him thinking out every sentence carefully and thoroughly. Text: I can't take the pain anymore of what you did to me. Every inch in my body aches, the pain never goes away. I know you don't want me anymore. But if you have the decency inside of you and still care about me please meet me. At the (name of restaurant in a hour) in a half and hour. I just need some explanation of why you broke up with me. -Haylie. You didn't even wait for a response. You went to the bathroom to wash your face off. You looked in the mirror and didn't recognize this person. Who was this? Your skin always had this glow to it, now it was just pale. Your eyes were swollen and sore from all the crying. They had always had a sparkle about them, now they were just grey and dull. You were like a walking ghost no emotions, just a lifeless body.

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