Part 32

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You didn't want to let go either, you just wanted to stay in his arms forever. Justin kissed you on the forehead. Justin: Please choose wisely. I love you. Never forget that, I will always love you. You: I love you too. Bye Justin. At this point, your heart was pointing you in a million different directions. How could you choose between David and Justin? You didn't even know if David still wanted to get back together. You felt like such a horrible person, for just leaving when he proposed. You were way too young to get married, but you could have handled the situation differently. The one person you needed to talk to right now was your mom. Justin: Haylie one more thing. You: What is i- Justin puts his finger on your lip, silencing you from talking. Justin started to lean in, now only centimeters from your face. You weren't going to resist anymore, and just let it happen. You would deal with the consequences later, all you needed right now was Justin. You wrapped your hands around his neck, and he firmly wrapped his hands around your waist. You could feel the warmth of his breath brushing the top of your lip. You couldn't but help feeling the adrenaline of your heart, as Justin's face was so close to yours. He pressed his lips against yours, you hadn't felt like anything like that in a very long time. It was magic, the way his lips connected with yours. It was right, and somehow, among all of the dizziness and the clinging to him like a life line, something inside you changed back, never to be reversed again. This new but old feeling could be dwelled upon later, because, for now, you were content to feel his breath come and go with yours. After about a minute of lip-locking, Justin pulled away to catch his breathe. There was nothing to say, words couldn't even describe what you were feeling. You just stood there frozen in time, just astonished about how everything just felt so right. All you knew right now, is that you wanted to be with Justin. Of course, you felt bad for David, but he would just have to understand.

Justin Bieber: Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now