Part 15

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You feel your stomach turn in pain. You start to get worried, you know something is terribly wrong. You grab your phone and dial Justin's number there is only one dial tone. His phone was off. For the next three hours you don't stop calling Justin. Every time you call his number the pain in your stomach grows worse and worse. Every time you call there is no answer. You check your phone, you have already called him 25 times and left 20 voicemails! You finally decide to give up. All you can think of the worse that might have happened. You get unchanged into some comfy sweats. You have no idea what to do. You are pacing back and forth trying to come up with some conclusion of what might has happened to Justin, and why he didn't come. You decide to lay down on the couch and try and relax, you turn the TV on. You can't get relaxed your mind is going in a million different directions, your nerves are shot, you are worried as hell about Justin. All you want right now is for him to hold you in his arms. Maybe you are getting to worked up? You eventually fall asleep. You awake to someone gently shaking your shoulder. Mom: Is everything ok sweety? I heard you screaming in your sleep. You: Just a bad dream. Justin never showed up. I am worried sick. I called him like a billion times but no answer. Mom: Everything will be ok. I bet something just came up. Don't worry everything will be ok. Your mom gives you a quick kiss on the forehead and walks upstairs to her bedroom. All of a sudden your phone starts vibrating you quickly snatch your phone and open it. The text is from Justin you open the text message, and quickly scan it with your eyes. Text: Haylie, I don't know how to say this but I guess I am just going to have to find a way too. I just couldn't find the strength inside me to tell you in person or even talk to you. First off I just wanted to let you know that you are the most amazing girl in the world. But I don't think you are the right girl for me. I really think we are better off seeing other people. I hope we can be friends one day. -Justin *Text ends* You are at lost for words. Even just a couple of sentences of typed words shattered your whole inside. You try but nothing comes out of your mouth. It seems as if your whole body is frozen. You very slowly dial Justin's number. You doubt that he will pick up but you don't care. To your surprise he picks up the phone. Justin: Umm hi. You find your voice. You: H-how could you do this to me *you say very quietly*? Y-yoouuuu promised that you would never hurt me again. *Justin doesn't respond* You: Where is this coming from? We have had the most amazing two days together. Then all of a sudden you want to break up with me out of nowhere? Justin: *You hear some girl in the background on the phone.* You can barely hear what she is saying but you make it out. Girl: Justin hurry up. You have been in the bathroom forever. You: Justin is that Mandy in the background? Justin: Uhh.. yeah. You throw your phone against the living room wall as hard as you possibly can. You scream to the top of your lungs until it hurts to even breathe. Tears won't stop coming out of your eyes. Its like your eyes are a never ending waterfall. Your mom comes running downstairs. Mom: Sweetie what happened? You don't answer her. She sees your phone on the ground. She picks up the phone and looks at the text message. To your surprise the phone didn't break even though how hard you dislodged it at the wall in anger. Your mom reads the text message. She doesn't even say a word. She just hugs you tightly and rubs your back. That's what she always use to do when you were little, and you were upset. Mom: Everything is going to be alright. You: It will never be alright. Mom: Don't worry just give everything some time. Your mother always knew the right words to say. That's was one of the things you loved most about her. Mom: You know what I think? You: What? Mom: I think you need to get out of Atlanta for the rest of the summer. (me: I didn't know why I didn't mention it earlier. But its summer and you are on summer break.) You: What do you mean? Mom: Well your Aunt Kathy wanted you to stay with her for the whole summer in California. But I said no because I thought you would be better off here. She said that all your friends really miss you. (me: me again lol. I also forget to mention is you moved to Atlanta from Los Angeles, California. Your Aunt Kathy used to live only a couple houses down from you when you lived in CA.) You: Your right I think I need to leave Atlanta for a while. I really miss my old friends a lot it will be so nice to seem them again. Mom: Lets start getting you packed! You knew that you were just running away from your problems, and that you would have to face them sometime. But at this point, you didn't care about nothing. All you wanted to do was get out of Atlanta and have a fun summer. Forget Justin, forget everything that has happened between you two. You just wanted to have some fun, and get away from all this drama. Most importantly you wanted to be as far away from Justin as you possibly could.

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