Chapter 28

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"Home sweet home" peter said as we got out of the car

We walked into the house and no one was home.

"So what are we going to do now?" Perter asked

"I have an idea" I said smirking

"Oh no her ideas are never good" peter said with a worried face

******5 minutes later******

We were sitting on the sofa looking at photos and videos of peter as a child

"what's is cd" I asked as I found a cd I'm the box

"Let me have a look" Darcy said and took the cd off of me.

"Oh I remember this." She said and got up to put it in the cd

"What is it" peter asked scared

"Just watch it" Darcy said

We waited a few seconds and a little boy appeared on the screen naked and running down the streets with his mom chasing him.

"Oh my gosh" I said laughing so much tears came out of my eyes.

"Mom" peter scolded at his mom

"What it's not like she hasn't seen it all before" Darcy said pointing to my stomach making me and peter blush.

The video finished and I tried to contain my laughter

"I'm playing that at your wedding" Darcy said making me blush.

"Speaking of weddings when are you two-" Darcy started saying but was cut off by someone opening the front door.

"Hello" Darcy called out.

"It's just us" said peters dad and peters little sister Ava

"Hello little one" I said picking Ava up as she started laughing

"Hi" she said and hugged my neck

"Hi jack" I said to peters dad who I had only met once

"Hi darling" he said hugging me weirdly because I was holding Ava.

"Your going to be such a good mom" Darcy told me

"Thank you" I said to her. That really meant a lot to me.

"Speaking of moms when are we going it meet your parents" Darcy asked

"Uhm never." I told her trying not to get upset

"Why not" Darcy asked

"Uhm-" I started saying but was cut off by peter

"You don't have to tell them now jade" peter Said

"No it's okay" I told him

"We'll my parents aren't exactly the nicest parents. Me and my little sister Brooklyn got kicked out of the house almost a year ago because and I quote 'I don't want dirty pieces of worthless shit living with us'. So me and Brooklyn went to live in Paris and I took Brooklyn to disneyland which is where I met peter. But a day after meeting peter my mom and dad appearing at the hotel I was staying in and demanded to take Brooklyn away from me. I didn't want them to take her as they used to abuse the both of us but gave up after them going it calm the police. The next day a police officer told me that she had died and it was my parents fault so they have gone to prison for life." I said choking up at the end.

"Come here babe" peter said pulling me onto his lap stroking my had as I cried into his chest

"I'm so sorry this happened to you jade" Darcy said

"Me too I can't believe they would do that to you and your little sister." Jack said

I pulled out my phone and unlocked it so they could see my background which was a picture of Brooklyn and me.

I showed jack and Darcy and said "this is Brooklyn she was the cutest girl ever "

"Aww she's so cute" Darcy said

"I know" I said hugging peter again.

They gave me my phone back and I sat there for a minute calming down and wiping my tears.

"Can we go for a walk" I asked peter

"Yes sure" he said and stood up

"We're going for a walk" peter told his mom and his dad

"Okay" they replied as we walked outside

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