Chapter 4

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I wake up the next morning with dry tears down my cheeks.

I think about what happened last night and a tear falls down my face. No one understands how much that little girl means to me she was my world and she's probably having a terrible time with the worst parents ever.

I lie back down in bed but realise that I promised peter I would meet him today at disneyland.

I checked my phone which was on the table next to me and it read 10:00 so I have plenty of time to get ready. I get out if bed and make my self a fruit salad which is just lists of fruits in a bowl.
I was too lazy to make any thing fancy as it feels like my world has been stomped on.

One i eat my breakfast I sat on the sofa and started watching my strange addiction. I don't know what it is but the fact of someone eating bricks or eating their house intrigues me.

I watched a few episodes if my strange addiction and check my phone for the time.

1:00 my eyes nearly pop out of my head.

I run upstair and take a shower washing my self well and thinking about Brooklyn.

I step out of the shower and dress up as much as I can like Peter Pan.

I smiled at the thought if him seeing me like this and plated my hair in a loose fishtail over my shoulder.

Once I thought I looked decent I grabbed my bag shoved my phone and necessary things like money and house keys and made my way out of the bedroom.

I walked past Brooklyn's room which had the door open and saw something sticking out front under her bed.
I walked over and pulled it out.
To see one of her favourite blankets which was pink and had little elephants on there was also her disney signing book

I put the book in my purse determined to to get all the disney characters signatures and somehow give it back to her and then just shoved the blanket in to keep her with me in my mind and head out the door.

I took the train to disneyland getting weird looks from passengers again as Brooklyn's blanket was a little bit visible out the top of my bag. I shoved it further into my bag and hoped this train would hurry up.

I lay my head back and just thought about how she would be coping in that terrible house i dreaded to go back to.

The train stopped and I got out and walked up to the gates. Strangely there were only a few people here which surprised me but got through the gates having my ticket checked and walked up to the wishing well where peter told me to meet him.

I looked around and saw that peter wasn't there. I just stood there when two hands grabbed my waist and made me jump
"BOO!" Someone yelled

I turned around to come face to face with peter

"Hi" I said and smiled sadly

"Hello"he replied "wheres Brooklyn" he asked

Tears started to fill up in my eyes

"My mom came and took her off of me" I cried

"Well why is that so bad" he asked

That made my blood boil

"Because they used to beat us for gods sake they both drink and do drugs and they just took her it breaks my heart to think about what they are doing to her right now" I stopped shouting for a second

I studied his face and all I saw was shock

"I'm going" I said and turned away and started walking.

He grabbed my wrist and turned me around.
"I'm sorry okay I didn't know." Peter said

"I know" I said quietly

He pushed my chin upwards so I was facing him and saw him smiling which made my lips twitch upwards in to a smile.

He closed the gap between us and kissed me. It was a really weird feeling to have as he kissed me because I have never been kissed by a boy before. It was soft and meaningful and the same time.

"HEY! YOU!" a man in probably his 40's said

"I'm sorry joe please don't fire me it won't happen again" peter pleaded

Oh so joe was his name and he must be peters boss. As I thought about this I realised I didn't even know peters real name. Oh well I'll find out later I thought

"I'm not going to fire you" joe started
"Thank you so much" peter said
"But" joe said "she has to work here as we're having a children's birthday party here after and don't have time to find someone to play wendy" he said "so would you kindly work here for today and dress up as Wendy" he asked "it will save peters job" he tried to persuade me

"You will also get £100 an hour plus free food after work" he added

"Of course I will but I don't know Wendy's signature or anything" I said

"That's fine we have a few hours to teach you now follow me. The stylists have to get you ready. Peter you stay here and the party starts in 2 hours" he said

"Bye" peter said
"Bye" I replied and followed joe to the second floor in the castle which only people who worked there were allowed to go.

"Okay so what if your name dear" joe asked

"Okay jade here's your dress" he said handing me a Wendy dress "the styling room is in this door" he said pointing to a door" just go in one your ready and Louise will do your hair and makeup"

"Okay where do I out my bags and clothes" I asked

"Just put them in this locker" he replied pointing to a locker

"Okay thank you" I said

"Good luck. Bye" he said and walked away

I walked into the room got changed and put my clothes in the locker then walked into the room he told me to go to. I saw aerial getting her wig out on and asked her to sign Brooklyn's book which I was carrying around with me.

"Of course I will" she said in her aerial voice and said "is this your books"

"No it's my sisters but she couldn't come so I'm getting all the characters to sign in for her" i replied
"Oh well good luck with that. I'll see you later okay?" She asked

"Okay bye" I said
"Bye" and she walked out if the room.

"Hi I'm louise you must be jade" she guessed

"That's me" i replied

"Okay sit on this chair and well get you looking like Wendy in no time."

I sat in the chair and within 10 minutes I was done. I looked in the mirror and was shocked at how flawless my skin looks and how much I look like Wendy.

"Wow thank you so much you did an amazing job" I said

"It's find now go find your man" she said winking

"What are you on about" I asked scared

"Go find peter" she replied

"How do you know about me and peter" I asked confused

"I didn't I was just saying because your Wendy and he's peter but what did you say? Whats happening between you and peter then?" She asked trying to get the gossip

"Nothing were just friends. Thank you but I better go now. Byee" I said walking out the room and I heard a faint 'bye' from Louise.

I was walking down the stairs and saw joe smile wide

"You look amazing Wendy" he said and laughed

"Thank you" I said and walked up to the wishing well where I could see peter signing a book with his back turned around.

"Wendy" a little girl shouted at me from by peter and peter started to turn around...

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