Chapter 8

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"Whats wrong with her. Is she okay?" I asked panicked

"I'm sorry to say but your sister was murdered last night" he replied

And that's all it took for me to start wailing my eyes out

"Do you know who did it" peter asked as he cuddled me

"Yes it seems as if Kelly Leigh and James leigh her parents did it"

I ran to peters bathroom locked the door.

I sat there crying

"Are you okay jade" peter asked

"What do you think" I shouted at him.

'BANG' the door was kicked down. Peter came over picked me up bridal style and lay me on his bed.

"Thank you for telling us but could you go please" peter asked

"Yes but there is also one thing I have to tell you" he said

"The funeral is in 1 week but you will not be attending as your uncle Matthew is arranging it and decided against you going. Your parents will also be going to jail for a life's sentance" he added and walked out the door

"I hate my life it was worse enough loosing my sister and now she's dead and I can't even say good bye to her" I screamed at peter

"Shhh it's okay, you'll be fine " he said to me as he rubbed my back and stroked my hair

I looked up at him and saw the tears running down his face which made me cry even more.

I couldn't believe this was happening. I didn't even want to go back to the apartment.

I decided that I was going to get another apartment and closer to disneyland.

I got up from peters arms and grabbed his laptop off the table.

"What are you doing" peter asked walking over to me

"Looking for a different apartment" I replied wiping away my tears that was blocking my vision


"I don't want to stay in the apartment I had with Brooklyn because I don't know how ill cope" I said and started tearing up again

"Why don't you just stay with me at my apartment and here when I work here that way you will always have company and you won't have to worry about bills and money" he said excitedly

"Are you sure I wouldn't want to intrude" I asked hoping he would let me stay

"I'm positive" he said

"Well I guess I have to go home and pack my things" I said standing up

"I'll come with you"

"No it's fine I kind of want to go on my own" i said quietly

"Okay but please hurry and call me if your in trouble" he pleaded

"Of course" I said and kissed his cheek

"Bye" I said
"Bye babe" he replied


I got to my house and tried to get everything packed as fast as I could.

Once I had got everything packed I walked down to the lady on the register and asked if I could have my money back as I would be paying to stay in the hotel for another 3 weeks when I wasn't.

"Sure" she said "but didn't you have little girl with you before" she asked

"Uhm... Yes I did but she died last night" I replied sadly

"We'll I'm sorry for your loss"

She said giving me my card back

"I also added £1000 extra to help you find a new place and as a sorry gift" she said

"Thank you so much" said and gave her a hug over the desk

"Bye" I yelled wheeling my suitcases outside
"Bye" I hear being yelled straight back

I walked onto the train and it was pretty empty which was good. I got my 2 suitcases and my carryon onto the train and waited for the train to get there.

Once the train had stopped I wheeled my suitcases to Disneyland and and walked back to the castle.

I saw peter sitting on the bench signing a few girls books.

I walked over and patiently waited for Peter to finish and then he stood up.

"Here I got this" he said grabbing my suitcases

"No it's okay I can take them" I said trying to take them off him

"Really jade it's fine" he said and started carrying them up the castles stairs.

I walked up the stairs behind him watching his biceps as he carried the suitcases that weighed a ton.

We got to his room and he opened it.

He wheeled my suitcases it and placed them next to a seat in the corner of the room.

"I get the next 3 days off so I can take you back to my apartment and show you our new apartment" he said

"I can't wait" I said and I actually couldn't it was so nice of him to do this.

"We'll shall we go m'lady" he asked in a failure of an accent

"We shall" I said back in a weird accent.

We both skipped out of the room and bumped into and angry looking joe (peters boss incase you forgot)

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