t h i r t y t h r e e ( p t. 1 )

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" Yangyang you're seeing what we are seeing right? " Yuta said , adjusting his cap once again and staring at what was lying in front of them.

It was definitely big for a graveyard. No stones had names carved on them but the amount of graves were uncountable. The amount of magick energy that was coming from this area was startingto hurt the boys' hearts more.

" Hyung , what is this? " Mark said into the in-ear.

" Changwook's army's graveyard. What else do you see there? " Taeyong replied.

The boys then carefully went over the fence making sure not to touch anything. The scanned the place once. On their far left was a medium sized hut. It was made of wood walls and a small lamp was hanging in the front of the door. It's light had went out and the lights seemed to be switched off inside the house too.

" Go in for a scan. " They heard Taeyong's voice command. Hearing that , they started taking soft steps towards the house , making no noise.

" The closer we get to this house , its making me think that this is a harvesting farm and not a graveyard. " Mark said.

" Why do you say so Mark? " Yangyang asked.

" Look at this , " Said mark and turned his cap towards the field.

" See these pipes? They're taking a stop at each grave. Meaning the theory made by us was correct. " Mark continued.

" Basically , they're feeding the dead. Making them come back to life. " Yuta added to it.

" Okay listen guys , I want yall to get a sample of anything you find there. " They heard Ten speak.

" Roger. " Yuta said and walked further ahead.

After the small two minute walk , they went inside the house. There was big sphere shaped machine in the middle of the one roomed hut. Something just like a popcorn maker , but instead they are churning red magick with the DNA of Changwook.

" How about we break off the pipes? " Mark asked Yuta.

" No , look carefully , its 70% gas. Which means it could spread to innocent people. For now , lets just take the sample and leave for further investigation. " Yuta replied hurriedly.

Nodding in reply , Mark removed the test tubes and gloves he had with him. Both of them wore the masks made by Ten and Winwin which were so high class that they had their oxygen content and so deeply layered that nothing could pass through the mask.

Yuta opened the lid of the big machine and the gases slowly started coming out. Mark quickly put his hand inside and started getting the sample drop by drop into the tube.


Suddenly they heard somebody bang the window. Turning around , they saw a body. But it wasn't just a body , it was a undead body.

 But it wasn't just a body , it was a undead body

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wowowow look who has been writing lately


say i if you wanna join me to send a email to sm requesting them to give ten a fucking shirt

this is not okay for my heart slsjdkdnd



these few days were a rollercoaster... anywho


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