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Willow POV

Lets be honest , i was kind of losing my shit at the moment. i looked up to see almost everyone in a calm posture. HOW.

Renjun had made the jet invisible which allowed us to see the outside too. I looked down to see us going fast near a forest. We've never been to this hide out before , atleast Yoona and I havent.

I was confused. The rest would atleast know the drill. A hell lot of questions were running through my mind.

Am I gonna die? No wait chuck that ,
what do i do after reaching?

While i was still running in my brain i felt a gaze on me. So i looked up to my side to see Jaemin looking back at me.

He kept his hand over mine and caressed it , telling me that it'll be alright. His eyes seemed calm , yet a storm was still churning inside of them.

It was obvious , we were preparing for this for our whole lives. But we weren't ready at all. Scanning everyones faces , i stopped as i looked at Yoona. She looked..pale?

It must've been the motion sickness , i thought to myself as we neared landing.

The hideout , a huge mansion built undergrood inside the woods , deep down the forest. Our pilots clicked a few buttons and the passageway for landing opened.

After a slight pull , we landed down but no one got up. It was going to be Taeyong's call afterall.

" We don't have time to rest. As soon as we get down , i want everyone to change into their suits and power up their affinities.

We're not gonna stay on the defense. We never were. My father , our late leader once said ' if we don't attack in a war , then it won't be our enemies ending us , rather it'll be the war that will end us. '

and just as he said , we must follow. we must attack and get our rightful place back. " He said and my mind cleared out.

It all came to me , it yearned for me to fight. fight for our place on the throne.

and our inner lions were unleashed.


someone save my ass i suck at writing war scenes pls-

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