t h i r t y ( p t. 2 )

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Author POV

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Author POV

Before all the dreamies left , Taeyong made Renjun write down a page from the book with invisible ink so that Xiaojun could see what was written. But it turned out something that they had not expected. It was a mixture of more than 5 languages.

" I'll first have to know which languages these are and then i'll have to translate.. That is gonna take some time hyung. " Said Xiaojun nervously.

" Fine. I want you and Renjun to be in my office after 3 hours. Start translating it then. I'm hoping i could get the book done by tomorrow. " Taeyong said.

Xiaojun nodded and replied with " Yes hyung. " and left the room.

Taeyong just stood there for a good while , wondering what this all is going to lead to. Whether this is the start of the war. Whether this was their destiny. And seems like his question was answered right away.

Kun then came into his office with a piece of paper in his hand.

" What happened Kun? "

" Hyung , i was going out to throw the garbage and this was on our doorstep. " He said and handed the paper over to him.

" You've started the war NCT. This is just the start. " And it was signed by Changwook.

Shivers went down his spine as he got to know who it was from. It was still pretty early in the morning so Taeyong and Kun decided to talk this out with all the members. It was better all of them knew what is going on rather than them being clueless the whole time.

Kun left the office and Taeyong sat down while telling Yangyang to send over all the security camera files from today and yesterday.

Opening the file that Yangyang just sent over , he fixed his eyes on the big screen near the entrance , trying to see whether any moment was captured.

While his eyes started getting droopy , a flash went over the screen. He blinked his eyes a few times and rewinded the video a few seconds back. The same flash showed up. He looked at the doormat and the paper was now sitting on it.

That is when he realised that Changwook's people also had powers. And one of the them was just confirmed as being similar with that of Jisung's. Taeyong was left in deep thought after he realised that except for the elementals , Changwook's party has many similar powers as to those of NCT.

He started listing down the ones that were already revealed.

1. Speed
2. Mind control
3. They also have a linguist.

Writing these down he left his office and headed to Johnny's room. Johnny was still sleeping but Taeyong had to wake him up.

" Yah Johnny. "

" Mng why? " He mumbled.

" I wanted to ask about Jisung's progress. "

" Its 6 AM Taeyong. "

" Johnny Suh , get up and hand me the stats. " He said softly but sternly making johnny wake up.

Johnny headed over to his cupboard and took out a file which had Jisung's face and name written on it.

" He's advanced a lot though. Almost fully evolved now. " Johnny said while he walked to the bathroom , grabbing his toothbrush and paste.

" Are you sure? We need him during the war you know that right? " Taeyong said.

" I know Taeyong. Stop worrying so much. Jisung is grown up now. All the kids are grown up too and are here for NCT. " Johnny said while he brushed his teeth.

" You're right. " Taeyong said.

" Why did you want the report though? I thought i was supposed to give it to you next week. " Johnny asked.

Taeyong then explained what happened a few hours ago. How a man from Changwook kept the paper.

How the war had just started.


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