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" That's a lot of risks Yoona. "

" Yeah well i'm willing to take it. "

Yoona POV

" That is a lot of risks Yoona. " Taeyong said to me after i explained what i had in mind.

" Yeah well I'm willing to take it for us Taeyong. " I replied.

" But I am not willing to lose you. " He replied firmly.

" I'm not gonna die Taeyong. "

" You could. " Johnny added.

" Please don't add more salt into this Johnny. Taeyong , I'm ready to do this. It is not like I'm doing it for fun. Its for us right? Its for NCT. Its for Neo Dimension. " I said quietly.

" Bring the potion Winwin. " Taeyong got up from his seat and commanded Winwin not even looking back at me.

In the next two minutes . All 23 members were in the main hall looking at me and i was looking at the two glasses , one filled with clear liquid and the other was the boss drink that sat in front of me. With shaky hands i picked up the glass containing the boss drink and took a sip of it. Weird. Next i picked up the potion and brought it near my face.

The smell was familiar. Before i could drink , Winwin came to my side and Jungwoo stood behind me , both just in case anything happens. I put the glass to my lips and chugged the 3 sips of potion down.

" It-it tastes familiar. I think I'm right... "

" Are you sure? " Jeno asked and i looked up nodding at him.

Before i could speak up again i felt something churning inside me. I patted my stomach near the spot i felt uneasy.

" What's happening? " Winwin asked.

" I'm not sure. I feel like something is churning inside me. " I replied.

" Its water. I mean , your elemantal. " Johnny said.

" Huh? "

" It's fighting back against the potion and boss drink. Your body won't be able to handle the both of them at once. " Taeyong cleared out the doubt.

" Its fine i signed up for thiSSssSAAAAAAA! " I suddenly flew up to the ceiling crashing into it and coming back down to land in Jungwoo's hands. 

" Yoona!! " I heard Willow scream.

" Step back! " Lucas shouted as he came to help in Jungwoo.

" Power Surge. Wait for a few minutes , it will calm down. " Taeyong said and stepped a little bit closer.

" Take deep breaths Yoona. " Jaehyun said and i did so.

Jungwoo then let go of me softly and made me lean on to him as i tried to stand up. I grabbed on to his shirt trying to gain balance but just ended up tearing it.

" Oh my god. I'm so sorry i- "

" Kun hyung get another shirt for him. Lucas help her. " Taeyong commanded and no one tried to go against it.

" What were you thinking of while signing up for this Yoona! I had told- "

" Stop! I'm doing this for us okay?! I'm trying to help! Can you not see that? Why do always keep on shouting at me?! " I cut of Taeyong's sentence and shouted what always had been in my mind.

" Yoona , you are having a power surge , just calm down okay? " Jaehyun said.

" Damn you mind controller , i hate that you always manage to stop me from doing shit. " I said to him narrowing my eyes in an intimidating way. ( Which failed totally. )

" No swearing in this household. " Kun said.

" Yeah? Quack that. " I said and sat down on the couch as softly as possible.

" Aaaand she's back. " Renjun added.

" Lets get you to your room now. But this time without tearing my shirt off.  " Jungwoo said.

" Right. Sorry about that. " I replied i slowly grabbed his hand making sure extra power is not given out.

Some of the boys and Willow accompanied me and Jungwoo to my room. Just as we were about to reach my room's door , dark cloud like figutes started forming in my eyes.

" J-jungwoo i- " I tapped his hand and my vision started to blur and blacken.

The last thing i heard before falling unconcious was Taeyong screaming " Kun hyung bring the bed! Lucas take her to Winwin's clinic! "

The last thing i heard before falling unconcious was Taeyong screaming " Kun hyung bring the bed! Lucas take her to Winwin's clinic! "

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