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Hendery POV
I quickly opened the jet's door as i saw the kids running out of the door towards me. Jisung came in first ( speed obviously ) followed by Willow , Jaemin , Yoona , Renjun , Chenle and lastly Jeno.

After all of them were seated , i closed the door quickly and Yangyang got us off ground again. Before leaving we dropped two more bombs and headed towards our mansion.

" What the fuck were you guys thinking?! " I asked being pissed at the kids for acting too much like kids.

" Does Taeyong know? " Yoona asked.

" No. Kun and Mark are distracting the members and Haechan is distracting Taeyong. " Yangyang said while still focusing on the road ( or shall i say sky? )

" Explain what the fuck yall were doing we don't have time. "

" We wanted to investigate the place. " Said Willow , still softly catching her breath.

" So , did yall find anything? " Asked Yang.

" Not really. We saw the two men that had caught Jisung. They have pyschic powers. Thanks to your bomb we got out. " Jeno said.

" Even though Taeyong hyung doesn't know right now , keep in mind that he will know about it someday. And that someday i need yall to prepare yourselves. " I said sighing and putting my gun back.

" Thanks Hendery. " Yoona said.

" Don't mention it. No like , seriously don't. " I said and sat down in the seat next to Yangyang.

The kids were too anxious to speak so the whole 5 minutes of us going to the mansion was surprisingly quiet. Yangyang landed the jet in the aircraft basement and all of us got off.

We walked towards the door but before Yoona could open it , it opened itself to reveal Taeyong standing in the doorway. He had a glare in his eyes and his hands were folded tight.

Yoona stumbled slightly and took a step back , not able to look at him.

" T-taeyong w- " Willow started but Taeyong cut her off.

" What did you find? " He asked.

" Huh? Oh um.. " Said a surprised Jeno.

" We weren't able to find anything since more people were there in the base.. " Renjun said getting translucent. A trait of his to go half transparent whenever he is nervous.

" A-actually.. I did find something.. " A voice was heard and all of us turned around to face Chenle.

He had his head hung low as he digged something through the pocket of his suit. He removed a small leather skinned book and quickly handed it over to Taeyong.

" I couldn't speak up b-because i was scared. " He said.

Taeyong just pat his back in assurance and turned around.

" All of you , follow me. Hendery wait outside the office. " He said and started walking as all of us followed.


Willow POV

" Where did you find this Chenle? "

" In one of the rooms. It was shoved under a table it seemed. I wanted to look into it but all the others had went ahead so i just kept it with me. " He said.

Taeyong finally opened the book just to reveal blank pages.

" Renjun are you able to see what's written? " Taeyong asked Renjun our inivisible boy.

Renjun took the book in his hands and squinted his eyes to see the script.

" It's full of sentences. But i'm not able to indentify or read the language. " He replied and gave the book back to Taeyong.

Taeyong though for a while before calling Hendery in.

" Go call Xiaojun and tell him to come in my office after half an hour. " He commanded and Hendery just nodded in response.

" Invisible charm. Changwook probably didn't know we have more than just the elementals. " Taeyong said softly and leaned on to the table.

" What were you guys thinking while doing this huh?

What the fuck was going through your minds thinking you all would be capable to defeat those men?!

Do yall know that this is not a joke? " Taeyong started saying looking at us but we all had our heads hung low.

" Lee Yoona. Do you know how much pain i had to go through while taking away your memory and sending you to that bloody E-127?!

Do you all know the loss and pain i went through when all of your parents died and left NCT to me?

I was hurt. I had no one. No one with me for 3 whole years. " He said. I looked over to Yoona who already had tears forming in her eyes.

" I.. I can't lose you all too.. I-I can't.. I know i don't express a lot but you mean a lot to me. I can't lose my family once again.. Not again.. " He seemed to be at a loss for words.

Unknowingly a tear dropped down my cheek too.

" Why couldn't you just talk to me about this? Am i really that brother to all of you? " He asked but we couldn't speak up.

" I need you all to leave and go directly to your rooms. The people who don't know won't know so don't go around talking about this. Dismiss. " He said and turned his back to us as we left the room one by one without saying anything..

" Hey Willow. Go ahead I wanna talk with him. " Yoona said to me teary eyed and i just nodded back in response.

We fucked up big time.

a/nplease scold me for notupdating in the longest fucking time

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please scold me for not
updating in the longest fucking time

im soooo so sooooo sorryy about this and i'll try my best to put up the next update up as soon as possible!

i really apologize!

vote and share we love you🥺💚

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