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Jungkook's fingers were busy pressing letters on the keyboard, as he typed cured patient's names. He glanced at the white paper and back to his computer screen until he heard a knock on the door. "Come in!"

The doctor continued his business, not bothering as the door swung open revealing Nurse Hoseok with a smile. "Good morning, Doctor Jeon. Mr Kim wanted you to handle this patient."

Hoseok stated and handed Jungkook a white folder. Jungkook only hummed in response as he looked at the white folder and back to the nurse. "He's a new one. He arrived a week ago. I heard that the other Mental Facilities wasn't able to help him."

The nurse kept his voice low as he hold onto another folder. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows after hearing what Hoseok said. "How come they can't help him?"

"I don't know, Doctor. I'll head out now. Good luck with the patient," Hoseok smiles at Jungkook and bows before heading out of the doctor's office.

Jungkook had been an employee of JinHit Mental Facility for over three years. He's been able to cure a lot of their patients, earning a lot of respect from nurses and other doctors.

"I'll check him later on," Jungkook mumbles to himself as he continues to do his business.


After a good 30 minutes, he finished typing and printing the names of their cured patients. Jungkook placed it on a black folder, ready to be signed by the head Doctor, Mr. Kim.

Jungkook leaned back on his chair and took the white folder that Hoseok handed him earlier. PATIENT X..? Jungkook thought as he ran his long fingers along the bold letters. He opened the folder to check the patient's information.

Park Jimin
Diagnosed with Morbid OCD &
Bipolar Disorder

Jungkook's eyes went wide. It was his first time handling a patient with two disorders, infact, Jimin is the first patient of JinHit that is diagnosed with two disorders.

"Interesting.." Jungkook murmured as his eyes looked up at the patient's photo. The doctor tilted his head to the side as he saw Jimin's photo. The pink-haired male had a little smirk on his plump lips. Jungkook felt sad seeing such a charming person suffering from two mental disorders.

The doctor shook his thoughts away as he looked back down at the patient's information, noticing the bold letters which was a warning.

DON'T BRING SHARP OBJECTS [pen, pencil, knife etc.]

DON'T GIVE PATIENT X ANY COMPLIMENTS [if you want to live, just don't]

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at the patient's warning. Was the one typing this drunk or is he serious? The doctor thought but kept the warnings in mind. He closed the white folder, placing it on his desk as he stood up. He grabbed his white coat from it's hanger and took the black folder before heading out of his office.

The doctor made his way on the front desk, seeing Hoseok chatting with other nurses. "Nurse Hoseok. Kindly bring this to Mr. Kim and tell him i'll be checking Park Jimin."

"Got it. Good luck on checking him doctor," Hoseok showed his bright smile as he took the black folder from Jungkook's hands and started to head to the head doctor's office. Jungkook smiled and went to use the elevator since Jimin's room is on a higher floor.

"I hope this turns out well.."


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