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𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚡

Jungkook's breath got heavier as he watched Jimin stop. He shutted his eyes for a second, hoping the patient wouldn't know that he was there.. but it was too late.


The closet door creaked open, making Jungkook shot his eyes open and just swing the bat infront of him. Jimin let out a loud grunt as his arm got hitted by the baseball bat. As the doctor was about to push the patient away, he was pinned inside the closet. Locking eyes with the male infront of him.

"This will hurt for a bit.. Daddy."

And the last thing Jungkook saw before passing out was a smirk from Jimin's plump lips.



Jungkook groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He slowly opened his eyes, looking around the unfamiliar room that he was in. The room was surprisingly clean and has purple walls. Two beds with baby blue sheets that is parallel to eachother. No windows.

The doctor's slight smile turned into a frown as he remembered the events last night. He shouldn't be smiling. He shouldn't feel safe. Jungkook immediately got up and ran towards the door but ended up falling before he can even reach the doorknob. The doctor turned to look at his foot which was chained to the bed stand.

"Shit.." Jungkook sighed and tried to get his foot out of the chain. But it was no use.

The door then opened, making Jungkook turn to look towards the person standing there.


He was wearing a large gray sweater with a matching black sweatpants while holding a tray of food on his hands. Jungkook's soft gaze turned into a glare as he stood up and walked back to the bed.

Jungkook felt an intense anger towards Jimin. He hated that he made out with a person like Jimin. A sex-addict. A killer. Jungkook hated everything about the said male. Who was now keeping him as a hostage.

"Good morning," Jimin greeted and walked towards the bed, placing the tray down with a smile. Jungkook looked at the foods before looking at Jimin. "What is this?"

"Breakfast. You need to-"

"I don't want anything from you. You can poison me whenever and however you want."

"Look Doctor. If i wanted to kill you, you would've been six feet below the ground at this moment. Aren't you curious why you're still alive?" Jimin sat down on the end of the bed, looking at Jungkook. Jungkook kept glaring at the other male, his fingers curling into a fist.

"You'll have food everyday. Clothes on the closet. Free shower. But we'll share this room, though," Jimin smiled softly, surprisingly not attacking Jungkook after all the shit he said. The pink-haired male raised the spoon with fried rice and a piece of meat on it. Attempting to feed the black-haired male.

"Stop. I can feed myself," The doctor growled, pulling the tray closer to him. The patient sighed and didn't argued about it. Jimin watched Jungkook eat, his eyes falling on the other's chained ankles.

"Oh. I'll take the chains off if you'll promise me that you won't escape, Doctor."

"Can i even escape this hell, Jimin? Do you think i'm dumb enough to think that i can escape alive?"

Jungkook's voice was full with rage as he kept his eyes locked with Jimin's soft gaze. At once, Jimin felt guilt and sadness after hearing the words from Jungkook. The doctor broke the eye-contact and continued to eat. The patient stood up and left without saying a word.

"Only if you'll remember how much you made me suffer, Jungkook."


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